
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Cedar Waxwings Have Arrived

Tuesday, March 17th

When the signs of Spring arrive in our corner of Florida each March, we can enjoy the arrival of flocks of Cedar Waxwings. A beautiful bird that can show up at any time in the winter, but seem to show in more abundance as the trees are budding and leafing-out in late winter. They'll stay into late April when they'll head for the fresh spring growths up north.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cinnamon Teal

Tuesday, March 3rd

Went looking for the drake Cinnamon Teal that has been reported hanging out in a small pond along El Conquistador Parkway up by Bradenton. He was easily found resting along the cattails in the company of several dozen Blue-winged Teal and a pair of Least Scaups.

But I first stopped at the Celery Fields in Sarasota and was well rewarded with several good birds including Limpkins, Rosetta Spoonbills, a vocalizing King Rail, a couple of Sora, Purple Gallinule, a Wood Duck and both Blue-winged and Green-winged Teal. The nearby Acremans Park added dozens of Least Scaup, Mottled Duck, more Blue-winged Teal and a pair of Ruddy Ducks. To find Black-bellied Whistling Ducks I visited a landscaping business at the corner of Tatum Road and Fruitville Road were as many as a hundred of the ducks will congregate. Another good day
 Rosette Spoonbill at the Celery Fields

  King Rail spotted in the rushes

 Savannah Sparrow

Fish Crow

Monday, March 2, 2015

Some Recent Sightings

Monday, March 2nd

Just wanted to share a few pics from some recent birding outings at various local venues.

Belted Kingfisher
Greater Yellowlegs

Fox Squirrel at Festival Park in Cape Coral

Florida Scrub Jay occupied the same tree as the Fox Squirrel

Burrowing Owl at Festival Park scanning the skies for predators

Mottled Duck with the drake Eurasian Wigeon in Cape Coral
 Provenance of the continuing wigeon has largely been presumed to be an escapee

Great Egret, sporting some breeding plumage, at Babcock-Webb WMA

Wood Stork at Babcock-Webb

Limpkin at Harns Marsh

Cattle Egret at Harns Marsh

Indigo Buntings at feeder in Alva are molting into breeding plumage.

American Bittern trying to hide at Metro Wetlands

Purple Martins are arriving at the martin houses at the Franklin Locks

Rock Pigeons at the Franklin Locks