
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Down on the Beach

 Wednesday, February 24th

Just a few birds recently seen down by the beach

Reddish Egret at Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island

Common Loan at Lovers Key State Park

Snowy Plover at Fort Myers Beach

Wilson's Plover on East Beach at Fort Desoto Park

Least Sandpiper on East Beach at Fort Desoto Park

Whimbrel at Fort Desoto Park

Laughing Gulls at Fort Desoto

Redheads ducks on East Beach at Fort Desoto Park

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Wakodahatchee Wetlands

 Sunday February 21st

Neotropic Cormorant

For several years now, the only reliable venue to look for Neotropic Cormorants is at Wakodahatchee Wetlands in Delray Beach in Palm Beach County. The bird is nested here and has young in the nest.

This venue is owned and operated by the Palm Beach County Utilities as a water reclamation project for the processing of treated waste water. The marsh they created acts a natural filter as these waters are returned to the environment. It is also open to the public to enjoy the great array of Florida wetland wildlife attracted to the marsh. Gators, turtles and green iguanas are common and the huge numbers of wading birds are on present and nesting within feet of curious visitors.

Believe this is an offspring of the Neotropic and a Double crested Cormorant

Nesting Wood Stork

Nesting Wood Stork

Nesting Wood Stork

Double-crested Cormorant on the nest

Male Anhinga sporting his breeding plumage

Male Anhinga sporting his breeding plumage

Female Anhinga

Green Iguana

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Gray-headed Swamphen

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Purple Gallinule

Glossy Ibis

Sailfin Mollies are a food source for many species here

Purple Martins have arrived

Great Blue Herons on a nest

Bob Pelkey

 Sunday February 7th

Robert M Pelkey

(5/16/1964 to 2/5/2021)

We recently lost our Friend Bob Pelkey.  

Bob had retired a few years ago as a manager with Publix grocery stores.  His retirement brought him back to his home state of Connecticut after living and working for many years in Fort Myers, Florida.

Bob was a noted wildlife photographer and enjoyed venturing out to get that great shot. He was unafraid to to wade out into the surf or a swamp to get that shot. 

I would introduce him as an Award-winning Photographer because he created some great photography.  He also had developed relationships with other noted wildlife photographers including Hemat Kishan of Michigan, Robert Doiron of New Brunswick, Frank Constantin of Quebec and Bob Blanchard of Florida. He was extremely thrilled the day he was invited to join a photography class lead by world famous wildlife photographer Artie Morris. 

Please enjoy his photographs posted on his Blog  - SWFloridabirder

Just a few of his recent photographs from Connecticut