
Friday, July 30, 2010

Prothonatary Warbler

Wednesday, July 28th

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail at Six-Mile Cypress
   At the conclusion of a safety meeting for work, I was heading for home, but made a brief stop at Six-Mile Cypress Slough boardwalk.  Arrived about 8:30am with the idea to seek out the black-and-white warbler and red-eyed vireo that was located here last Sunday. It was not very birdy and I did not find the warbler or the vireo.  But I was a bit surprised to find a lone female American Redstart in the company of a pair of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers.  Seemed a bit early for redstarts, but a few do winter in the very south end of Florida. As I was trying to relocate the redstart a flash of gold fly past me and landed on a branch just a few feet from me.  Sitting in plain sight was a beautiful male Prothonatary Warbler. 
   That was about the extent of the birds here for my day.  Did have a have a Hairy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker and heard a Pileated Woodpecker. Also seen and heard were Carolina Wrens.
But the warblers were a great addition to the summers scant list of warbler species seen so far.
Red-bellied Woodpecker

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