
Friday, August 27, 2010

Yellow-throated Vireo

Yellow-throated Vireo at Six-mile Cypress Slough

More and more reports are coming in about migrants coming into Florida. In the Fort Myers area we are often by-passed by the great numbers and variety of warblers, thrushes. etc that invade the more noted migrant traps like the Tampa Bay area and Dade County.  But we do manage to locate few good ones. 

This afternoon I checked out Six-mile Cypress Slough and had a few hits.  Not very birdy but I did find a Prothonotary Warbler, an American Redstart and a Yellow-throated Vireo, plus the usual local Carolina Wrens and Tufted Titmice. On a visit last week meet a photographer who claimed to have seen hummingbirds and a barred owl, but I could not find them then or today.

Below are a few pics from other recent birding trips

Good Morning!!!

Burrowing Owl at Cape Coral Library - 8/27/2010

Monk Parakeet at Cape Coral - 8/27/2010

Purple Martin in Cape Coral, Florida - 8/27/2010

Black-bellied Plover at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

Black Skimmers and terns at rest at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

Ruddy Turnstone at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

Short-billed Dowitchers at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

Short-billed Dowitchers at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

Marbled Godwit at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

Pair of Marbled Godwits with a Sanderling and a Piping Plover at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

Least Tern at Bunche Beach - 8/25/2010

1 comment:

  1. This is a great series of photos! I really love the owl shots!
