
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Yellow-Rumped Warblers - October in Review

Yellow-Rumped Warblers - October in Review

Saw my FOS Yellow-rumped Warblers here in Florida today on a visit to Six-Mile Cypress Slough.  But they were not actually the first that I saw this month, as these were the commonest warblers I encountered on my vacation to Eastern Washington and the Idaho Panhandle a few weeks ago. The vacation was new ground for me and offered a lot of opportunity for lifers like Common Ravens and Great White-Fronted Geese. Other lifers I was able to add included American Pipits, Black-billed Magpies, Western Meadowlark, Western Bluebird, Mountain Chickadee, California Quail, Western Grebe, Pygmy Nuthatch and Red-Breasted Nuthatch. I did not find all the targeted birds on my list like Baird's plover or horned lark, but I can't complain. My best sighting was the family of Trumpeter Swans living at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge near Cheney, Washington.  Beautiful birds and had a great show as they flew overhead in their vee formation

Had high hopes for a rewarding fall migration, but the pickings were slim in our corner of Florida. Few warblers, no thrushes or tanagers, and only the only oriole was an orchard oriole seen in September. The Hawk Watch event that was scheduled on October 17th as a kick-off for Ding Darling days on Sanibel Island was disappointing with low counts too.  Did have a few Kestrels, Merlins, Sharp-shined Hawks and a a couple of Northern Harriers. Though the hawks were few the Indigo Buntings, Painted Buntings, Blue Grosbeak and a Magnolia Warbler made up for it.

We also are watching in October for several of our wintering birds to arrive like House Wrens, Dunlins and Palm Warblers.  As noted at the start I had my first-of-season Yellow-rump warbler today and other birders I met at Six-mile cypress slough today reported seeing blue-headed vireo and a couple of ruby-crowned kinglets.  I did not see the vireo or kinglet, but they have arrived.

Following is a FOS listing for several species that winter in Lee County, Florida.
Belted Kingfisher  - July
Red Knot - September 27th
Palm Warbler - October 2nd
Blue-winged Teal - October 3rd
Gray catbird - October 5th
House Wren - October 17th
Northern Harrier - October 17th
Indigo Bunting - October 17th
Painted Bunting - October 17th
Eastern Phoebe - October 18th
Wilson's Snipe - October 21st
American Coot - October 23rd
Dunlin - October 25th
Yellow-rumped Warbler - October 31
Ruby-crowned kinglet - October 31st
Blue-headed Vireo - October 31st

Other species I am still waiting on include ring-billed gulls, herring gull, yellow-bellied sapsucker, savanna and grasshopper sparrows and several ducks.

My October List - (165)
  1. Greater White-fronted Goose - Idaho
  2. Canada Goose  - Washington & Idaho
  3. Trumpeter Swan - Washington
  4. Muscovy Duck (Domestic type) - Florida
  5. Wood Duck - Washington
  6. American Wigeon  - Washington & Idaho
  7. Mallard  - Washington & Idaho
  8. Mallard (Domestic type)  - Florida
  9. Mottled Duck  - Florida
  10. Blue-winged Teal  - Washington & Florida
  11. Northern Pintail  - Washington
  12. Canvasback  - Idaho
  13. Ring-necked Duck  - Washington & Idaho
  14. Lesser Scaup  - Washington & Idaho
  15. Bufflehead  - Washington & Idaho
  16. Common Merganser  - Idaho
  17. Ruddy Duck  - Washington & Idaho
  18. California Quail  - Idaho
  19. Ring-necked Pheasant  - Washington & Idaho
  20. Wild Turkey  - Washington
  21. Pied-billed Grebe  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  22. Western Grebe  - Idaho
  23. Brown Pelican  - Florida
  24. Double-crested Cormorant  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  25. Anhinga  - Florida
  26. Great Blue Heron  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  27. Great Egret  - Florida
  28. Snowy Egret  - Florida
  29. Little Blue Heron  - Florida
  30. Tricolored Heron  - Florida
  31. Reddish Egret  - Florida
  32. Cattle Egret  - Florida
  33. Green Heron  - Florida
  34. Black-crowned Night-Heron  - Florida
  35. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron  - Florida
  36. White Ibis  - Florida
  37. Glossy Ibis  - Florida
  38. Roseate Spoonbill  - Florida
  39. Wood Stork  - Florida
  40. Black Vulture  - Florida  
  41. Turkey Vulture  - Florida
  42. Osprey  - Florida
  43. Snail Kite  - Florida
  44. Bald Eagle  - Florida
  45. Northern Harrier Florida,  - Washington & Idaho
  46. Sharp-shinned Hawk  - Idaho & Florida
  47. Cooper's Hawk  - Washington & Florida
  48. Red-shouldered Hawk  - Florida
  49. Red-tailed Hawk  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  50. Crested Caracara  - Florida
  51. American Kestrel  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  52. Merlin  - Florida
  53. Peregrine Falcon  - Florida
  54. Common Moorhen  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  55. American Coot  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  56. Limpkin  - Florida
  57. Sandhill Crane   - Florida
  58. Black-bellied Plover  - Florida
  59. Wilson's Plover  - Florida
  60. Semipalmated Plover  - Florida 
  61. Piping Plover  - Florida
  62. Killdeer  - Florida & Idaho
  63. American Oystercatcher  - Florida
  64. American Avocet  - Florida
  65. Spotted Sandpiper  - Florida
  66. Greater Yellowlegs  - Florida & Washington
  67. Willet  - Florida
  68. Lesser Yellowlegs  - Florida
  69. Marbled Godwit  - Florida
  70. Ruddy Turnstone  - Florida
  71. Red Knot  - Florida
  72. Sanderling  - Florida
  73. Western Sandpiper  - Florida
  74. Least Sandpiper  - Florida
  75. Dunlin  - Florida
  76. Short-billed Dowitcher - -Florida
  77. Long-billed Dowitcher  - Idaho
  78. Wilson's Snipe  - Florida
  79. Bonaparte's Gull  - Idaho
  80. Laughing Gull  - Florida
  81. Ring-billed Gull  - Idaho
  82. California Gull  - Idaho
  83. Common Tern  - Florida
  84. Forster's Tern  - Florida
  85. Royal Tern  - Florida
  86. Sandwich Tern  - Florida
  87. Black Skimmer  - Florida
  88. Rock Pigeon Florida,  - Washington & Idaho
  89. Eurasian Collared-Dove  - Florida
  90. Mourning Dove  - Florida, Washington & Idaho
  91. Common Ground-Dove  - Florida
  92. Monk Parakeet  - Florida
  93. Burrowing Owl  - Florida
  94. Barred Owl  - Florida
  95. Ruby-throated Hummingbird  - Florida
  96. Belted Kingfisher  - Florida & Idaho
  97. Red-headed Woodpecker  - Florida
  98. Red-bellied Woodpecker  - Florida
  99. Downy Woodpecker  - Florida & Washington
  100. Hairy Woodpecker  - Washington
  101. Red-cockaded Woodpecker  - Florida
  102. Northern Flicker  - Florida, Idaho & Washington
  103. Pileated Woodpecker  - Florida
  104. Eastern Phoebe  - Florida
  105. Say's Phoebe  - Idaho
  106. Great Crested Flycatcher  - Florida
  107. Loggerhead Shrike  - Florida
  108. Northern Shrike  - Washington
  109. White-eyed Vireo  - Florida
  110. Blue Jay  - Florida
  111. Florida Scrub-Jay  - Florida
  112. Black-billed Magpie  - Washington & Idaho
  113. American Crow  - Washington, Idaho & Florida
  114. Fish Crow  - Florida
  115. Common Raven  - Washington & Idaho
  116. Northern Rough-winged Swallow  - Florida
  117. Barn Swallow  - Florida
  118. Black-capped Chickadee  - Washington & Idaho
  119. Mountain Chickadee  - Washington
  120. Tufted Titmouse  - Florida
  121. Red-breasted Nuthatch  - Washington & Idaho
  122. Pygmy Nuthatch  - Washington
  123. Brown-headed Nuthatch  - Florida
  124. Carolina Wren  - Florida
  125. House Wren  - Florida
  126. Marsh Wren  - Washington
  127. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  - Florida
  128. Golden-crowned Kinglet  - Washington
  129. Ruby-crowned Kinglet  - Washington & Idaho
  130. Eastern Bluebird  - Florida
  131. Western Bluebird Washington & Idaho
  132. American Robin  - Washington & Idaho
  133. Gray Catbird  - Florida
  134. Northern Mockingbird  - Florida
  135. European Starling  - Washington, Idaho & Florida
  136. American Pipit  - Idaho
  137. Cedar Waxwing  - Idaho
  138. Northern Parula  - Florida
  139. Magnolia Warbler  - Florida
  140. Yellow-rumped Warbler  - Washington, Idaho & Florida
  141. Yellow-throated Warbler  - Florida
  142. Pine Warbler  - Florida
  143. Prairie Warbler  - Florida
  144. Palm Warbler  - Florida
  145. Black-and-white Warbler  - Florida
  146. American Redstart  - Florida
  147. Common Yellowthroat  - Florida
  148. Eastern Towhee  - Florida
  149. Chipping Sparrow  - Idaho
  150. Song Sparrow  - Idaho
  151. White-crowned Sparrow  - Washington & Idaho
  152. Dark-eyed Junco  - Washington & Idaho
  153. Northern Cardinal  - Florida
  154. Blue Grosbeak  - Florida
  155. Indigo Bunting  - Florida
  156. Painted Bunting  - Florida
  157. Red-winged Blackbird  - Washington & Florida
  158. Eastern Meadowlark  - Florida
  159. Western Meadowlark  - Washington
  160. Common Grackle  - Florida
  161. Boat-tailed Grackle  - Florida
  162. Brown-headed Cowbird  - Washington
  163. House Finch  - Washington
  164. American Goldfinch  - Idaho & Washington
  165. House Sparrow  - Washington & Florida

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