
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bay-breasted Warblers at Six-Mile Cypress Preserve. Day 2

Thursday October 20th

Returned to Six-Mile Cypress Preserve for day two of an outstanding fall migration experience. Could not get there till ten o'clock, but stayed for eight hours.  It was also a great diagnostic classroom with species we do not host very often. Such as the many bay-breasted and chestnut-sided warblers we were present.

Met Robert Repenning in the parking lot were we exchange updates and joined up with Jose Padilla, Stan Damen, Walt Winton and Gail Campbell on the boardwalk. One observation that was noted was that we were seeing a different mix of birds today then yesterday.  It was believed that last night's cold front had moved on much of what we saw yesterday and brought in a fresh batch.

The variety of thrushes had thinned out to finding only Swainson's Thrushes. The high numbers of Black-throated Blue Warblers had also diminished to a lone female specimen.  American Redstarts and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers still remained the most common.   We still had Carolina Wrens, Gray Catbirds, an Ovenbird, a couple of Northern Waterthrushes and lots of Black-and-White Warblers. Also had many Bay-breasted, Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, Blackburnian and Black-throated Green Warblers.

We later ran into Gayle Schmidt who confirmed many of our finds such as a Blue-winged Warbler and a couple of Hooded Warblers. We also found Palm Warblers, Pine Warblers, a Prairie Warbler, a couple of Scarlet Tanagers and several Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.  Other birds seen included a Belted Kingfisher, Downy Woodpeckers and a Hairy Woodpecker. A Blue-headed Vireo was a first of the season for me.  It was a good day!!

Another birder we met was Ruth Woodall who was hosting some out of town guests and having a good time.  They reported that on their visit to Bunche Beach earlier, they had located several Avocets.  I seriously considered heading there, but there was just not enough time left. Later..

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