
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fork-tailed Flycatcher at Cockroach Bay

Thursday, January 26th

Fork-tailed Flycatcher near Cockroach Bay Preserve
I was concerned that I would not be able to twitch after the reported Fork-tailed Flycatcher before it disappeared. A couple of years ago I had been a day two late with getting to Pelican NWR to see the FTFY that had stayed there for several days. But today I was able to finally find one.

The seawall hosting the purple sandpiper
I had arrived at the Lost River Trail road, near Cockroach Bay Preserve in Hillsbough County about 9:30 Am and two minutes too late. As reported by the birders who are now leaving. The flycatcher had just flown off across the pond.  Spent about an hour checking the area, but I left knowing that it would probably return, as usual, in the late afternoon.

Purple Sandpiper

I had two other target birds for the day at Ft DeSoto. The lark sparrow that has settled in near the fort and a newly reported purple sandpiper in the same area. Spent about two hours in the search, plus lunch.  Did find the Purple Sandpiper, which is very uncommon on the Gulf Coast.  But the sparrow had to be out to lunch.

Got back to Lost River Trail about 2:30 pm and waited with four other birders/photographers for the Fork-tailed Flycatcher's return. It was about 3:15 and it did put on a show.  Other birds for the day included American White Pelicans, Redheads, Red-breasted Merganser, Killdeer, Hooded Merganser, Glossy Ibis, Bald Eagles, Sandhill Cranes, Savannah Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe, Royal Terns, American Robins, Prairie Warbler, American Kestrels, Loggerhead Shrikes and Northern Mockingbirds.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting observations, Tom. Very envious of your travels. Great find in the loon and grebe that have been elusive to me at Bunche this week.
