
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hooded Mergansers at Ollies Pond

Sunday, January 15th
Hooded Mergansers at Ollie Pond

Had a few hours for birding today and chose to check-out a new sight to me in Port Charlotte. I haven't birded much in Charlotte County aside for Babcock-Webb, and the Ollie Pond location sounded interesting. Arrived about 10 am and found lots of waders and waterfowl. Lots of Glossy Ibis, plus all the expected waders like Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets and Little Blue Herons. The most common ducks were Blue-winged Teal and Hooded Mergansers. Did find a few Mottled ducks and one each of Northern Shoveler, Green-winged Teal, Gadwall and an American Wigeon

It was interesting when some local kids blew off some fire crackers causing the birds flew up. Some many ducks and ibis.  Other birds seen included a calling Bald Eagle, young Red-shouldered Hawk and a hunting Coopers Hawk. 

Red-shouldered Hawk
Stopped later at Ponce de Leon Park in Punta Gorda. Not much here but Laughing and Ring-billed Gulls. This location also features a small wildlife facility called Peace River Wildlife Center. It is a small facility with a lot of rescued birds. Lots of egrets, a Yellow-crowned Night-heron and a Red-shouldered Hawk were hanging out here too.  Maybe looking for a free lunch.

Stopped at Alva to check the feeders in the White's front yard on my way home.  Found Stan Damen there as he was putting out additional feeders and refilling the others with seed. We spent some time sharing war stories and when the project was over the Painted and Indigo Buntings came out, along with a pair of Tufted Titmice, a Cardinal, several Mourning Doves and a pair of White-winged Doves

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