
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Whimbrels on Ft Myers Beach

Tuesday, August 19th

Pair of Whimbrels seen at Carlos Pointe, Ft Myers Beach
This morning I headed to the south end of Ft Myers Beach to a location known as Carlos Pointe. The site is part of a protected stretch of beach reserved for breeding Least Terns, Wilson's Plovers, Snowy Plovers and Black Skimmers.  Currently the skimmers are active nesting here with several young birds present.  However I came here looking for Whimbrels or avocets. We don't see many of these birds here, but they have been reported recently.  Luckily for me a trio of Whimbrels were present, keeping company with several Marbled Godwits.



Marbled Godwit

Black Skimmer

Juvenile Black Skimmer


  1. Nice to hear that the Whimbrel are still there. Nice photos, I love this place.

  2. Will look for the Whimbrels and avocets on my next day off, Tom.
