
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Illinois Trip - Day Four

Sunday August 31st

Volo Bog State Natural Area

Near Volo in lake County is the Volo Bog State Natural Area. Famous for its Quacking Bog, which is surrounded by several varying eco-systems. It is a very unique place to visit, hike or go birding.
A young Swamp Sparrow

Mink, beavers and muskrats inhabit the preserve. Today I observed a couple of White-tailed Deer, Gray Squirrels, cottontail Rabbit and a fat Woodchuck. As for birds it started in the parking the lot with a Chipping and a Swamp Sparrow, more Goldfinches, Eastern Kingbird, Mourning Doves, Barn Swallows and an Indigo Buntings.  As I entered the Tamarack Trail (2.25 M), numerous Gray Catbirds could be heard as well as American Robins. Soon I added House Wren, Tennessee Warbler, American Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, Eastern Phoebe, Red-headed Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, a Flicker, a Warbling Vireo, American Redstart, a pair of Wood Thrushes and a pair of Least Flycatchers.
A young Eastern Bluebird

In the grassland, aside from the Goldfinches I could only really add a pair of Eastern Bluebirds.

The wetlands had very few Red-winged Blackbirds and I only found a lone Mallard and a lone female Wood Duck. A few Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets and a lone Pied-billed Grebe were present. No swans again and all of the Canada Geese were flying overhead. Only heard a Sandhill Crane today. But my best bird of the day was a lifer in an Olive-sided Flycatcher sitting on a tall snag over hanging the a wetlands location.
Olive-sided Flycatcher

Cottontail rabbit

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