
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Mega Rarity - Variegated Flycatcher

Tuesday October 27th

Variegated Flycatcher seen at Evergreen Cemetery in Ft Lauderdale

Variegated Flycatcher
Last Saturday Russ Titus was leading a birding group and found a mega rarity in a Variegated Flycatcher at the Evergreen Cemetery in Ft Lauderdale. (ABA Code 5)

Variegated Flycatchers are native to South America and have had only a hand-full of sightings within the United States. Doing some research on-line, I found that these few birds may have originated from a population at the south end of its range, as they are noted for being long-distance migrants, with a few flying a bit to far. 

 Initial speculation was the bird was a piratic flycatcher. But as word got out that an even rarer bird was on hand, it has become a super star.

As of today the flycatcher has been found in the same ficus tree since Saturday. Hopefully it'll hang for awhile longer.

Today Bob Pelkey and I arrived about 8:30 am and easily sighted the flycatcher as there were at least a dozen birders surrounding the host tree. 

Blue-crowned Parakeet

After getting our pics we ventured off for other findings.  Evergreen Cemetery is a known birding hot spot for migrants and exotics. Earlier this month another rare to our area sulfur-bellied flycatcher was seen in this same location. We added several warblers including Prairie, Black-and-White, Northern Parula, Magnolia, Palms, Cape May and Black-throated Blue. Several unidentified parrots flew over head and a Blue-crowned Parakeet was seen perched atop a neighboring palm tree.

Hoped for sightings of Baltimore and spot-breasted orioles did not appear before our departure of home. But all told this was a good trip

Black-throated Blue Warbler


  1. Hoping for the Variegated Flycatcher as a lifer, it was awesome to pick-up the Blue-crowned Parakeet as the second of the day. Thanks for navigating, Tom.
