
Friday, January 15, 2016

Return to Winkler Pint - Estero Preserve State Park

Monday January 11th

Returned to Winkler Point trails at Estero Preserve State Park in search of birds to boost my 2016 bird list. The location is very challenging, but today, due to low temperatures the walk was insect free. But recent rains have almost completed flooded the location.
Trail Marker at Winkler Point

So I trudged through the standing water  to the large pond at the south end of the preserve. There I was able to identify a pair of Buffleheads, another pair of Ruddy Ducks and hundreds of Lesser Scaups. At the smaller pond I spotted a few dozen skiddish American Wigeons, but didn't see any mottled ducks, pintails or blue-winged tea.
American Wigeon

 Later I added a Merlin, Red-breasted Mergansers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Black-bellied Plovers, American Avocets, American White and Brown Pelicans.  

Also spotted a Short-tailed Hawk and a Salt Marsh Sparrow and a Nelson's Sparrow. Dipped on any wrens, rails or bitterns.

Short-tailed Hawk

Greater Yellowlegs

Saw many of these Common Buckeyes today

1 comment:

  1. You have been very diligent in your pursuit of observations at this venue. And have been well rewarded for the effort.
