
Friday, August 4, 2017

Piping Plovers Have Returned

Friday August 4th

Piping Plover

Yesterday I headed out to Bunche Beach on a low tide to look for Piping Plovers. They should be returning here from there breeding grounds in the Mid-West. The plovers who winter in our area have been tracked from nesting areas around Lake Michigan and from along the Missouri River, leaving here in May and returning in early August.

Not a great many shore birds were present on the mud flats, but a nice variety. Did find my FOS Piping Plovers. 

Other Birds of the Day

Red Knot

Snowy Plover

Western Sandpiper

Wilson's Plover

Short-billed Dowitcher

Spotted Sandpiper

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a nice assortment...
    A buddy and I were already thinking about driving over there tomorrow, so, as always, thanks for your posts and updates and wonderful pics!
