
Monday, December 27, 2021

The Day of the Raptor

 Sunday, December 26th

Belted Kingfisher

In the quest for some final year birds went out to chase a Cassin's kingbird found in Holey Land WMA in Palm Beach County on Christmas Eve. Tried to access the location by driving south along the Miami Canal from US 27.  Seemed to be the most direct route when traveling from the Gulf Coast. But it is not.  Encountered closed roads and detours but did arrive just yards from the location only to be blocked by a water management project that had removed a bridge. 

Barn Owl

Okay so I doubled back to try to access the property from another direction.  Planned to go east along Bolles Canal but encountered a locked gate on this road adjacent to a pumping station. Have access this road many times over the years and hadn't ever seen it closed before. Elected to head home from here.

But before leaving I did take a look for any Barn Owls at the pumping station and did find an owl. This was actually a nice addition to todays. Because I had already encountered a number of interesting raptors while driving around the cane fields.

There were many dozens of American Kestrels present. Added a couple Peregrine Falcons, a couple of Caracaras, several Red-tailed Hawks and Northern Harriers. White-tailed Kites were working the fields, observed a lone Swainson's Hawk. saw a couple of Bald Eagles, several Ospreys and at least one Short-tailed Hawk. Turkey and Black Vultures round out the raptors seen today. Hundreds of Tree Swallows and a single Northern Rough-winged Swallow, plus Belted Kingfishers, Grackles, Cormorants, Anhingas, Wading Birds, Meadowlarks, Phoebes, Palm warblers and Common Yellowthroats were seen too.

Eastern Meadowlark seen along the Miami Canal

Northern Harrier seen along the Miami Canal

Bald Eagle seen on Blumberg Road

Peregrine Falcon seen on Rogers Road

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