
Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 Wednesday, March 29th

Spent Tuesday birding up in Charlotte County. 

Myakka River State Park

Noticed that the levee and the adjoining structure located west of the boat ramp has been removed. Somehow it doesn't seem right.

Fish Crow

American Avocets

Blue-winged Teal

Wild Turkey

Rosetta Spoonbill

The Celery Fields Gardens

Purple Martin

Common Ground Dove

Mourning Dove

Brown-headed Cowbird

The closest I managed going a pic of the beautiful Ruby-throated Hummingbird
 was the coral bean bush it was feeding on.

Pinecraft Park

Juvenal Barred Owl still sporting its downy feathers

Coopers Hawk

Sunday, March 27, 2022


 Sunday March 28th

Savanna Iris

As the Earth orbits the sun it takes three hundred and sixty-five days, each day a rotation on its tilted- axis, to complete a full path around the sun. 

Because the orbit is elliptical, and the Earth is tilted on its axis, the life sustaining warmth from the sun will vary through-out the year. This variance is the cause for the seasonal changes in our environment.

So, we are now entering Springtime. A season for new growth and rebirth. A time when wildlife are propagating and rearing their next generation.

Nesting Red-cockaded Woodpeckers
at Babcock-Webb

Its apparent that the birds wintering here are on the move toward either summer homes. The numbers of palm warblers, yellow-rumped warblers, kingfishers, kestrels and waterfowl are dwindling. Many species are molting into their breeding colors. Obvious territorial aggressions and mating flirtations and nesting activities can be seen.

The starlings are gathering nesting material, the male cardinal is offering tidbits to his sweetheart, egrets are already on the nest and purple martins have returned to their favorite bird house.

Nesting Red-cockaded Woodpeckers at Babcock-Webb

Today we hearing reports of  hooded and prothonotary warblers arriving at Sanibel. Chucks-will-widows are being heard and cedar waxwings are fattening up before leaving.

Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy the return of Spring and the birds

Nanday checking out a nest hole

Greater Yellowlegs have molted into their breeding colors

Thursday, March 24, 2022


 Thursday March 24th

Red-cockaded Woodpecker seen on nest tree near to the nest hole,
 were, presumably, the female is seen

 a bit too late to find a calling chucks-will-widow, as the sun was brightening up the day already. But did find two different active Red-cockaded Woodpecker nest sites. Took a little longer but singing Backman's Sparrows were heard.  And calling Bobwhites, Meadowlarks and Eastern Towhees as well.
Purple Thistle with a sweet bee

Limewater Brookweed

Carolina Ruellia

Netted Pawpaw

Purple Thistle, Leavenworth's Tickseed, Netted Pawpaw and Limewater Brookweed are in bloom. I like to check out the thistle for opportunities to photograph any butterflies feeding on the blossoms.

Corn Snake

Best observation for the day was a coyote.  I haven't seen them here in quite a while. This guy looked pretty healthy and had a blackish tail. It won't let me get close enough for a photo. Lots of deer today too.  Including dawns. The alligators were sunning themselves and a corn snake and a garter snake were spotted catching some sun too as they stretched out on the road.

Eastern Garter Snake

American White Pelicans

At the eastern end of Tuckers Grade, the impoundments are drying up. Here was a concentration of shorebirds including numerous Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitchers, plus a pair of Wilson's Snipes. What got your attention was the forty American White Pelicans resting at the site.

Greater Yellowlegs

Lesser Yellowlegs

Great Blue Heron

Pine Warbler

Purple Gallinule

Boat-tailed Grackle

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Some Local Birds

 Thursday March 10th

Bronzed Cowbird
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Spending less time traveling these days in search of interesting birds. So, I've been staying close to home to enjoy the nature surrounding us here.

Burrowing Owls
Cape Coral, Florida

Monk Parakeets
Cape Coral, Florida

Monk Parakeets
Cape Coral, Florida

Pileated Woodpecker
Six-Mile Cypress Preserve

Eurasian Starling at
West Marsh Preserve - Lehigh Acres, Florida

Great Blue Heron
Six-Mile Cypress Preserve

Gray-headed Swamphen
Harns Marsh Preserve, Lehigh Acres, Florida

Pine Warbler
Babcock-Webb WMA - Charlotte County, Florida

Turkey Vulture
Harns Marsh Preserve, Lehigh Acres, Florida

Painted Bunting
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Bald Eagle
Babcock-Webb WMA - Charlotte County, Florida

Dunlins are wintering at
Bunche Beach Preserve, Fort Myers

Brown-headed Cowbirds
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Florida Sandhill Crane
Harns Marsh Preserve, Lehigh Acres, Florida

A pair of Florida Sandhill Crane with their chicks
Baby cranes are called Colts
Harns Marsh Preserve, Lehigh Acres, Florida

Loggerhead Shrike at
West Marsh Preserve - Lehigh Acres, Florida

White Ibis
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Eurasian Collared Dove
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Babcock-Webb WMA - Charlotte County, Florida

Great Crested Flycatcher
Babcock-Webb WMA - Charlotte County, Florida

Northern Cardinal
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Northern Cardinal
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

White-winged Dove
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Black-crowned Night-heron
Six-Mile Cypress Preserve

Piping Plovers are wintering at
Bunche Beach Preserve, Fort Myers

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Fort Myers Shores, Florida

Cattle Egret
Harns Marsh Preserve - Lehigh Acres, Florida

White Pelican on Sanibel Island

Willet at Bunch Beach, Fort Myers

A large flock of Nanday Parakeets
 seen in Fort Myers

Muscovy Ducks
Six-Mile Cypress Preserve

Common Ground Dove
Fort Myers Shores, Florida