
Sunday, March 27, 2022


 Sunday March 28th

Savanna Iris

As the Earth orbits the sun it takes three hundred and sixty-five days, each day a rotation on its tilted- axis, to complete a full path around the sun. 

Because the orbit is elliptical, and the Earth is tilted on its axis, the life sustaining warmth from the sun will vary through-out the year. This variance is the cause for the seasonal changes in our environment.

So, we are now entering Springtime. A season for new growth and rebirth. A time when wildlife are propagating and rearing their next generation.

Nesting Red-cockaded Woodpeckers
at Babcock-Webb

Its apparent that the birds wintering here are on the move toward either summer homes. The numbers of palm warblers, yellow-rumped warblers, kingfishers, kestrels and waterfowl are dwindling. Many species are molting into their breeding colors. Obvious territorial aggressions and mating flirtations and nesting activities can be seen.

The starlings are gathering nesting material, the male cardinal is offering tidbits to his sweetheart, egrets are already on the nest and purple martins have returned to their favorite bird house.

Nesting Red-cockaded Woodpeckers at Babcock-Webb

Today we hearing reports of  hooded and prothonotary warblers arriving at Sanibel. Chucks-will-widows are being heard and cedar waxwings are fattening up before leaving.

Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy the return of Spring and the birds

Nanday checking out a nest hole

Greater Yellowlegs have molted into their breeding colors

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