
Saturday, April 30, 2022

April Birds and Such

 Saturday April 30th

Spring migration has been very weak this season.  Not much activity. Seems either the migrates took advantage of the winds to speed on past us or stayed further west as they crossed the Gulf of Mexico, coming ashore around East Texas / Louisiana. So, I've posted a few miscellaneous sightings of interesting fauna see this month.

Blue Jay

Possum Family

Mayan Cichlid

Tufted Titmouse

Gray-headed Swamphen

Northern Waterthrush

Rosette Spoonbill

Swallow-tailed Kite

Southern Black Racer

Island Glass Lizard

Baby Gator

Gray-headed Swamphen

Female Black-throated Blue Warbler

Mangrove Skipper

Northern Parula

Northern Parula

Palm Warbler

Eastern Kingbird

Northern Mockingbird


Female Black-and-White Warbler

Short-tailed Hawk

Gray Kingbird

Female Cape May Warbler

Black-necked Stilt

Snowy Plover

Northern Cardinal

Glossy Ibis

Little Blue Heron

Fish Crow

Tricolored Heron on the Nest

Juvenile Tricolored Heron

Juvenile Tricolored Heron

1 comment:

  1. You take some amazing photos! I was trying to ID a bird and found your blog. I love it and hope to visit again soon! Enjoy your week, Diane
