
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Bonaparte's Gulls

 Tuesday January 30th

Bonaparte's Gull have been unusually common around in southwest Florida so far this year. Spotted a single bird earlier this month at Merritt Island and it was expected. But several have been hanging out in Lee County. Saw a few at Ding Darling NWR with one gull harassing a lady trying to do some fishing. It kept trying to steal her bait as she made her casts. 

More were seen at the Charlotte Harber Buffer Preserve. A beautiful bird and glad to be getting some good looks.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

American Flamingos

 Sunday January 21

American Flamingoes and American White Pelican

Yesterday I received a text message from Dave and Tammy McQuaid with an invitation to join them aboard their boat to see the flock of American Flamingos. We have a flock of about fourteen, mostly juvenal Flamingos hanging out on a place called Black Skimmer Island, located near the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River. 

Black Skimmer Island is a small, federally protected bird sanctuary, which is very popular with boaters to watch the birds come into roost at sundown. Today the flamingoes were present. The siting of wild flamingoes in Florida is a very uncommon event. These and other flamingoes currently seen around the state are no doubt the birds blown here by resent hurricanes.    Maybe they'll hang around for a while. And Thank You to Dave and Tammy.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Central Florida

  Thursday January 18th

Osprey seen at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

January 14th 

Central Florida - eBird Trip Report

Began my birding vacation at Lake Apopka.  The wildlife drive on the North Shore of Lake Apopka is a must visit venue for wintering waterfowl and wetlands bird life. Managed by the St Johns Water Management District, this property is an example of taking heavily polluted farmlands, responsible for some terrible bird die-offs, and rehabbing the lands and waters into a much healthier habit for the environment. 

Arrived early in the day and traveled the six miles under threat of rain. Some of the birds present today included thousands of American Coots, Hundreds of Common Gallinules, Black-belled Whistling Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, plus Purple Gallinules, Swamphens, Sora, Wilson's Snipe, American Wigeons, Pintail Ducks, Northern Shovelers, Blue-winged Teal, Gadwall, Mottled Ducks, Osprey, Northern Harriers, Savannah Sparrows and more.

It rained the remainder of the day as I moved onto Cocoa Beach. Did a little sea watch birding at the cocoa beach pier. Noted that Northern Gannets were on hand offshore.

Wood Stork
Merritt Island

January 15th

Toured Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Birded the Black Point Wildlife Drive and Bio Lab Road.  Lots of Blue-winged Teal were present as well as Northern Shovelers, Common Gallinules, Pintail Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, Greater & Lesser Scaup. Bonaparte's Gull, Reddish Egrets plus Wood Storks, Rosette Spoonbills, American White Pelicans, Hooded Mergansers, Northern Harriers and Caspian Gull were seen.

Looked for the American Flamingos reported to be seen from the Haulover Canal site in MINWR. Spotted Kestrels and Brown Pelicans, but not the flamingos.

Glossy Ibis
Merritt Island

Snowy Egret
Merritt Island

January 16th

Spent the day in Gainesville, birding at Sweetwater Wetlands Preserve and Paynes Prairie State Park. The weather conditions have remained wet so that when I arrived early at Sweetwater Wetlands, I opted to protect my camera from the rain by leaving it my car. This was a mistake. Had several awesome photography opportunities with a posing King Rail, Ruby Crowned Kinglet and Sparrows. 
One observation was that there were almost no waterfowl present - a pair of Blue-winged Teal and a trio of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. 
Did seen Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, Kinglets, Marsh Wrens, Chipping, Savannah, Song & Swamp Sparrows.  Plus Orange-crowned Warblers, Common Yellowthroats, Palm & Yellow-rumped Warblers. I missed on snipe, sora, purple gallinules and bitterns.

Blue-winged Teal
Lake Apopka
The next stop was at the Le Chua Trail where Snail Kites have taken up residence in the area of The Sink.  Counted five today. Had an Ovenbird seen in the parking area as I was leaving.

Orange-crowned Warbler
Sweetwater Wetlands

January 17th  

On my way home made a stop at the Paynes Prairie State Park Visor Center to look for the Whooping Crane reportedly seen out on the prairie. It was only 35 degrees this morning as I checked for any interesting birds. Had some Spanish Horses, Sandhill Cranes and Northern Harrier.  But no Whooping Crane today

Savannah Sparrow
Sweetwater Wetlands

Snail Kite
La Chua Trail - Paynes Prairie State Park


Carolina Wren
Paynes Prairie State Park

Lake Apopka

Little Blue Heron
Lake Apopka

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 Tuesday January 9th

Vermilion Flycatcher at Lucky Hammock

Spent a couple of days birding around the Everglades and at Lucky Hammock.


Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
C-111 Canal

Day One was a very blustery day, which does handicap your birding experience as the birds seek sheltered and often secluded locations to get out of the winds. This was so obvious while making a stop at the C-111 Canal venue outside of Everglades National Park where the expected Scissor tailed Flycatchers were using the cover within the trees and shrubs.

Was greeted here with a Swainson's Hawk soaring close overhead. Counted seven Scissor-tailed Flycatcher hiding from the winds in an oak tree. Had a western kingbird too. The female Vermilion Flycatcher was staying low too. A surprise of a Yellow-headed Blackbird spotted feeding with a large flock of Brown-headed Cowbirds. The expected Tropical Kingbird was also present.  

Swainson's Hawk
C-111 Canal

Moved onto Lucky Hammock, but not much was observed here today because of the weather. Lots of Gray Catbirds. and a Northern Harrier were seen. Then entered Everglades National Park with ever little to be seen. Because of the weather, passed up a planned return to the Lucky Hammock area at sundown, for least nighthawks and barn owls.

Vermilion Flycatcher
Lucky Hammock

Returned to rebird the C-111 and Lucky Hammock the next morning with much better success. Easily found my target birds. White-tailed Kites, Short-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Tropical Kingbird, Western Kingbirds, Savanah Sparrows and Northern Rough-winged Swallows.

Vermilion Flycatcher
C-111 Canal 

eBird Trip Report See complete bird lists for the trip

Zebra Longwing
Lucky Hammock

Western Kingbird
C-111 Canal

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Lucky Hammock


Red Shouldered Hawk
C-111 Canal

Great Egret
Lucky Hammock