
Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 Tuesday January 9th

Vermilion Flycatcher at Lucky Hammock

Spent a couple of days birding around the Everglades and at Lucky Hammock.


Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
C-111 Canal

Day One was a very blustery day, which does handicap your birding experience as the birds seek sheltered and often secluded locations to get out of the winds. This was so obvious while making a stop at the C-111 Canal venue outside of Everglades National Park where the expected Scissor tailed Flycatchers were using the cover within the trees and shrubs.

Was greeted here with a Swainson's Hawk soaring close overhead. Counted seven Scissor-tailed Flycatcher hiding from the winds in an oak tree. Had a western kingbird too. The female Vermilion Flycatcher was staying low too. A surprise of a Yellow-headed Blackbird spotted feeding with a large flock of Brown-headed Cowbirds. The expected Tropical Kingbird was also present.  

Swainson's Hawk
C-111 Canal

Moved onto Lucky Hammock, but not much was observed here today because of the weather. Lots of Gray Catbirds. and a Northern Harrier were seen. Then entered Everglades National Park with ever little to be seen. Because of the weather, passed up a planned return to the Lucky Hammock area at sundown, for least nighthawks and barn owls.

Vermilion Flycatcher
Lucky Hammock

Returned to rebird the C-111 and Lucky Hammock the next morning with much better success. Easily found my target birds. White-tailed Kites, Short-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Tropical Kingbird, Western Kingbirds, Savanah Sparrows and Northern Rough-winged Swallows.

Vermilion Flycatcher
C-111 Canal 

eBird Trip Report See complete bird lists for the trip

Zebra Longwing
Lucky Hammock

Western Kingbird
C-111 Canal

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Lucky Hammock


Red Shouldered Hawk
C-111 Canal

Great Egret
Lucky Hammock

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