Thursday December 31st
Today completes a very odd year. Lock downs, closed venues, travel restrictions all made life a bit tougher. Hopefully 2021 will find better times.
Didn't have a very strong year for birding. Missed a lot of species. We were locked out of most all of the good venues during spring migration because of the sickness.
2020 Year List and Gallery (246)
Ringed Teal |
1 Gray Catbird

10 House Wren
22 Tree Swallows
29 Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler Celery Fields - February 2020 |
Yellow-rumped Warbler St Marks NWR - January 2020 |
31 Common Yellowthroat
32 Sora
38 Hooded Merganser
44 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
45 Carolina Wren
52 Indigo Bunting
55 Downy Woodpecker
56 American Kestrel
78 Caspian Tern
81 Bald Eagle
82 Black-bellied Whistling Duck
83 Greater Yellowlegs
84 Northern Harrier
85 Red-cockaded Woodpecker
86 Northern Flicker
87 Eastern Bluebird
88 Eastern Towhee
89 Eastern Meadowlark
90 Pine Warbler
82 Black-bellied Whistling Duck
83 Greater Yellowlegs
84 Northern Harrier
85 Red-cockaded Woodpecker
86 Northern Flicker
87 Eastern Bluebird
88 Eastern Towhee
89 Eastern Meadowlark
90 Pine Warbler
Pine Warbler Babcock-Webb WMA - February 2020 |
91 Brown-headed Cowbird
92 Muscovy Duck
93 House Sparrow
94 Lesser Scaup
95 Great Crested Flycatcher
96 Eurasian Collared Dove
97 Wilson's Snipe
98 Black-crowned Night-heron
99 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
100 Snail Kite
101 Audubon's Crested Caracara
102 Snow Goose
103 Wild Turkey
104 Black-necked Stilt
105 American Avocet
106 Lesser Yellowlegs
107 Roseate Spoonbill
108 Purple Martin
109 House Finch
110 Short-tailed Hawk
111 Monk Parakeet
112 Burrowing Owl
113 White-cheeked Pintail
114 Green Heron
115 Chipping Sparrow
116 Brewer's Blackbird
117 Blue-headed Vireo
118 Carolina Chickadee
119 White-breasted Nuthatch
120 Bufflehead
121 Ruddy Duck
122 Bonaparte's Gull
123 Gadwall
124 American Wigeon
125 Canvasback
126 Redhead
127 Common Goldeneye
128 Red-breasted Merganser
129 American Flamingo
130 King Rail
131 Virginia Rail
132 Willet
133 Forster's Tern
Forster's Tern Siesta tern - February 2020 |
134 Common Loon
135 Great Horned Owl
136 Barred Owl
137 Vermilion Flycatcher
138 Brown-headed Nuthatch
139 Sedge Wren
140 Marsh Wren
141 Song Sparrow
142 Lincoln Sparrow
143 Swamp Sparrow
144 Orange-crowned Warbler
145 Tufted Titmouse
146 Winter Wren
147 American Goldfinch
148 Canada Goose
149 Red-tailed Hawk
150 Fulvous Whistling-duck
151 Peregrine Falcon
152 Purple Gallinule
153 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
154 Hammond's Flycatcher
155 White-eyed Vireo
156 Ovenbird
157 Black-and-White Warbler
158 Black-throated Green Warbler
159 American Redstart
160 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
161 Nanday Parakeet
162 Black Skimmer
163 Yellow-crowned Night-heron
164 Northern Parula
165 Northern Shoveler
166 Least Sandpiper
167 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
168 Gull-bill Tern
169 Long-billed Dowitcher
170 Prairie Warbler
171 Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing Lakes Regional Park - Fort Myers, Florida January 2020 |
172 Wood Duck
173 Solitary Sandpiper
174 Bronzed Cowbird
Bronzed Cowbird Lakes Regional Park - Fort Myers, Florida January 2020 |
175 Brown-crested Flycatcher
176 White-crowned Pigeon
177 Common Myna
178 Swallow-tailed Kite
179 Herring Gull
180 Northern Bobwhite
181 Cooper's Hawk
182 Least Bittern
183 Hairy Woodpecker
184 Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird Trebly Road, Dade City - March 2020 |
185 Vesper Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow Auton road, Dade City - March 2020 |
186 Yellow-throated Warbler
187 Chuck-will-widow
188 Barn Swallow
189 Western Kingbird
190 Mangrove Cuckoo
191 Broad-winged Hawk
192 Red Knot
193 Summer Tanager
194 Magnificent Frigatebird
195 Blackpoll Warbler
196 Gray Kingbird
197 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
198 Red-eyed Vireo
199 Chimney Swift
200 Magnolia Warbler
201 Black-throated Blue Warbler
202 Cape May Warbler
203 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
204 Gray Cheeked Thrush
205 Tennessee Warbler
206 Scarlet Tanager
207 Swanson's Thrush
208 Bay-breasted Warbler
209 Veery
210 Least Tern
211 Snowy Plover
212 Bachman's Sparrow
213 Common Nighthawk
214 Marbled Godwit
215 Common Tern
216 Brown Thrasher
218 Semipalmated Sanderling
220 Cave Swallow
222 Pectoral Sandpiper
223 Cliff Swallow
225 American Oystercatcher
227 Hooded Warbler
228 Least Flycatcher
231 Northern Waterthrush
232 Blackburnian Warbler
233 Yellow Throated Vireo
234 Chestnut-sided Warbler
236 American Bittern
238 Tropical Kingbird
239 Hermit Thrush
240 Green-winged Teal
241 Northern Pintail
243 Horned Grebe
244 Black Scoter
246 Ash-throated Flycatcher