Tuesday April 3rd
April Fools' Day marked an announcement by Vince McGrath of Ft Myers that he had a very unusual visitor to his backyard feeders. Aside from the colorfully Blue and Painting Buntings, a first year male Lazuli Bunting had arrived in the yard. This is a very unusual find in Florida. A check on ebird has the last report to one, four years ago, also in Lee County at the White's feeders in Alva. A hand-full of other reports date back several more years. So, this little guy is certainly a rare find.
A fuzzy pic, as seen through a window, of the lazuli bunting |
This morning I paid a visit to Vince's house and was treated to my first sighting of the species. Others birds frequenting the yard included the
Indigo and
Painted Buntings, Blue Jay, Gray Catbirds, Eurasian Collared Doves, Mourning Doves, Northern Cardinals and
Cedar Waxwings could be heard, but were not seen. Vince has had a lot of visitors so far and more folks were stopping by as we left to check the nearby Sanibel Lighthouse for migrants. Turned out to be a disappointing stop. Lots of Easter time visitors. but low on birds. Did get a FOS
Gray Kingbird and a beautiful
Pileated Woodpecker. Baby
Ospreys could be seen being feed by their momma and a couple of
Brown-headed Cowbirds were perch high in a snag.
Later I headed over to Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve, which was also very quite. However near the southern boundary of the preserve along Six-Mile Cypress Parkway I was lucky to notice a a nice kettle of mixed species including American White Pelicans, a Bald Eagle, Wood Storks, Black Vultures and Swallow-tailed Kites. Was also able to add an American Kestrel and a flock of Cedar Waxwings.
Red Knots and Short-billed Dowitchers at Bunche Beach |
About five o'clock I get a text from Bob Pelkey about
Least Terns at Bunche Beach. So off I go. The tide was low and crowd on the beach was thinning and the birding was good. I did get my FOS
Least Terns, plus
Sandwich and
Royal Terns. Hundreds of
Short-billed Dowichers and
Dunlins were present. Found four plover species -
Black-bellied, Piping, Wilson's and Semipalmated. Could also add
Sanderings, Ruddy Turnstones, Willets, a lone
Marbled Godwit, a trio of
Bald Eagles, Ospreys, dancing
Reddish Egrets, White Ibis and
Red-breasted Mergansers. The mergansers were a surprise. I was able to find them after some moron in a self powered para-sailing apparatus came flying in low over the beach and startling the birds. As things settled downed the ducks came in close by. Other-wise I would have probably missed them. I had figured that all of the mergansers, like the horned grebes and common loons had already headed north. You just never know what you'll find when out birding.
Just seen one in our bottlebrush tree,Palm coast fl.,sighting last year similar date,not a birder,just thought it was unique😀