Wednesday May 7th
Black-bellied Plover molting into summer colors |
We are the point were the spring migration is winding down.
Many of our wintering shore birds are heading north to there breeding grounds
are far north as the arctic. Our piping plovers, based on the banded birds
we've seen, are heading back to the Midwestern states to breed along the Lake
Michigan shoreline and along the Missouri River.
Many of the shore birds still here are sported their breeding colors, which is
a nice improvement over their drab winter molts
Dunlin at Bunch Beach |
Sanderling in breeding splendor |
Some shore birds are still passing through our area from, South
America, on the way to breed. Such as an unexpected sighting of
Upland Sandpipers. We don't usually encounter the species locally, but just
yesterday Dr Padilla reported resighting
an uplands, first seen by Keith Laakkonen on
Monday on Big Hickory
Island near Lovers
Key State Park
in Bonita Beach. I twitched after it and dipped, but it was seen by several
Upland Sandpiper - photo posted by Keith Laakkonen |
Another migrant I dipped on were bobolinks. For the past three years they could be found
at Harns Marsh in Lehigh Acres on or about May 1st. This year I visited the marsh
eight days in a row in search of the birds. But they were a total no-show. A
few were seen earlier at Ding Darling on Sanibel Island. Reports on ebird noted that the Celery Fields
up in Sarasota was the place to
seek them out this year. Just as my records showed May 1st as a good date, they
also show that on or around September 30th they should be passing us on there
way south to Argentina.
Will have to try again later.
Scarlet Tanager seen at Six-Mile |
A few neotropical migrants are still passing through. Found a
Scarlet Tanager at Six-mile Cypress Preserve the other day. A couple of days ago I found a trio of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds frequenting the butterfly garden at Bowman Park on Ft Myers Beach along with a having a Yellow-billed Cuckoo pop-up.There is still time to find a few more migrants at our local hotspots. But the action is definitely shifting to the north.
Northern Rough-winged Swallows have arrived |
Great Crested Flycatchers have become very numerous these days |
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