Monday, May 18th
Least Tern |
Black Skimmer |
Mid-morning, I visited Carlos Pointe to see the Least Tern nesting colony and find any Snowy Plovers. Parked at the Lovers Key State Park entrance at the north end of the park and is at the south end the pass bridge. This is the closed legal parking to access Carlos Pointe which is located at the other side of the pass, which is the most southern point on Estero Island.
Black Skimmer |
The nesting colony was very active with hundreds of Least Terns, Black Skimmers and a few Snowy Plovers. The Sanderlings (many in breeding plumage), Ruddy Turnstones, Laughing Gulls, Brown Pelicans, Royal Terns and Sandwich Terns were also seen here today.
Snowy Plover |
Snowy Plover
Dozens of snowies call Lee County beaches as their home |
Fledgling Snowy Plover |
Least Terns are very defensive in the nesting colony
and will dive at any intruders.
They are the smallest tern species and
will nest in scrapes on sandy beaches and flat roof tops
Least Tern |
Sandwich Terns |
Royal Tern |
Sanderling |
Sanderling |
Osprey perched atop neighboring condo building |
Gray Kingbirds are seen perched on the wires along Estero Boulevard |
You've got some great shorebirds there.