Monday, August 3rd
A FOS Yellow-throated Warbler seen at Bunche Beach Preserve |
Neotropical bird migration is slowly rolling into Southwest Florida.
Today I feel lucky with seeing my first-of-season Hooded Warbler at Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve. Master Birder Vince McGrath spotted the hoody for our group.
Last week I had seen my FOS Black-and-White Warblers at Six-mile and other birders have seen prothonotary warblers, American red-starts and red-eyed vireos as well. All of these early migrants do nest in northern Florida and easily arrive here first.
A couple of
Short-tailed Hawks have also returned to the Six-Mile Slough Preserve from central Florida.
Shorebirds have already been migrating for a few weeks now and I elected visit to Bunche Beach Preserve yesterday. I arrived on a low tide and found hundreds of shorebirds working the mud-flats and shallows for a meal. There were hundreds of Short-billed Dowitchers present fresh from the Arctic. Marbled Godwits, Sanderlings, Least Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers and a FOS sighting of a Piping Plover had also arrived. A couple of Barn Swallows flew in. Prairie Warbler and a FOS Yellow-throated Warbler were also seen here. Other birds seen included a flock of twenty Rosette Spoonbills, lots of waders, a couple of Spotted Sandpipers, a Least Yellowlegs, Willets, Ruddy Turnstones, Black Skimmers, Least Terns, Bald Eagle and Osprey.
Semipalmated Plover sporting his breeding colors |
Earlier in the day I had my FOS
Belted Kingfisher sitting on the a power line. Soon we'll be hosting many more species
FOS Piping Plover |
Reddish Egret. A White-morphed Reddish Egret was also seen at Bunche |
White Ibis |
Osprey breed at Bunche Beach |
Least Sandpiper at rest |
Wilson's Plover are a year-round residents |
Hundreds of Short-billed Dowitchers have arrived |
Wilson's Plover |
A few Red Knots were present |
This Fiddler Crab thought it was well hidden |
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