Tuesday, April 25th
Rose early on the final day in the Keys to make a final look for
Roseate Terns at the Marathon Government Center. Arriving at sun rise, the site was fairly quite with a
Least Terns and
Magnificent Frigatebird flying over head. But shortly a large flock of Roseate Terns flew in. A
White-crowned Pigeon seen in the parking lot. Time to move on.
Cape May Warbler seen at Key Largo Hammock State Park |
Made a return stop nest at Key Largo Hammock State Park and walked the one mile Loop Trail. Aside from Cardinals, White-eyed Vireos, Palm Warblers and a lone Cape May Warbler the location was fairly quite.
Key Largo Hammock |
Sight along the Loop Trail at Key Largo Hammock Park |
Before leaving the Keys made another return stop to look for the
Cuban Golden Yellow Warblers at Card Sound Road toll booth area. After parking, was immediately rewarded with a singing yellow warbler with in a few feet. The Golden is a Yellow Warbler sub-species from Cuba and the Caribbean and barely reaches into the mangroves of the Florida Keys.
Cuban Golden Yellow Warbler |
Northern Curly-tailed Lizard seen at Card Sound Road |
Next made another return stop at Lucky Hammock, just outside of Everglades National Park. The site was loaded with Flycatchers.
Eastern Kingbird, Western Kingbird, Gray Kingbird, Tropical Kingbird, Great Crested Flycatcher and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers.
Western Kingbird |
Eastern Kingbird |
Tropical Kingbird |
From Lucky Hammock headed up to Coral Gables to Matheson Hammock Park were
American Redstarts were dominate. Other warblers seen included
Blackpoll, Prairie, Ovenbird, Black-throated Blue, Cape May and Black-and-White. Other birds included
Short-tailed Hawk, Chimney Swift and Red-bellied Woodpeckers. As for exotics birds seen a pair of
Common Hill Mynas and a trio of
Yellow-chevroned Parakeets.
Common Hill Myna |
Matheson Hammock Park also hosts numerous exotic lizards - Basilisk lizards, African Rainbow Agamas, Green Iguanas, Crested Anoles and Knight Anoles.
Knight Anole |
Crested Anole |
One last stop, a return visit to the Snapper Creek Canal Cave Swallow Colony. On Sunday it was too rainy, but today
Cave Swallows were zipping in and out of their nesting site below the Sunset Ave bridge. This wraps up my birding vacation. Lots of good sights , missed some too. Maybe next year.
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