Monday, October 5th
The month of September was very disappointing to those of us that had waited in anticipation for the fall migration. Weather conditions were probably unfavorable for birding in our corner of Florida. Yet that should be good for the birds on their long journey.
An FOS American Kestrel seen at Festival Park in Cape Coral |
Florida Scrub Jay seen at Festival Park in Cape Coral |
Yesterday I had spent a couple of hours birding in Cape Coral. First stop was a stack-out location for a recently seen lark sparrow. However it looks like it had already moved on. So I spent time in Cape Coral looking for birds like the Burrowing Owls and Monk Parakeets at the Pelican Boulevard baseball park, Then to Festival Park near Kismet and Chiquita Boulevards. Here were located Florida Scrub Jays, a Burrowing Owl, Eastern Meadowlarks, and an FOS American Kestrel.
Loggerhead Shrike seen at Festival Park in Cape Coral |
Then I headed to Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve in eastern Ft Myers, were I learned that I had missed a very nice mixed flock that consisted of several warblers including a male Golden-winged Warbler. The Golden-winged is a much sought after species as we only see a few each fall.
Recent weather conditions spawned by Hurricane Juanita seemed to have encouraged the migrants to take a break and rest up till the winds change. So we maybe seeing some good improvement. Though this nice mixed flock disappeared by the time I had arrived, it was encouraging
Monk Parakeet seen Pelican Blvd Baseball Fields in Cape Coral |
This morning was very much better for those of us who had gathered at Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve. Most everyone were able to observe a female Golden-winged Warbler, a Lifer for me. Additionally we added a Scarlet Tanager and a Summer Tanager Additional warblers seen by our group included Ovenbird, Worm-eating, Yellow-throated, Common Yellowthroat, Black-and-White, Blackburnian, Northern Parula, Pine, Palm, Prairie, Tennessee, American Redstart, Magnolia, and Chestnut-sided. Some have added Acadia Flycatcher and Swainson's Thrush.
Burrowing Owls seen Pelican Blvd Baseball Fields in Cape Coral |
Eastern Meadowlark seen Festival Park in Cape Coral |
The Lark Sparrow photographed by Tammy McQuaid in Cape Coral |
On October first, Charlie Ewell spotted the Lark Sparrow and posted an alert. Seems it only stayed around through the second. Maybe it'll reappear soon.
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