Monday, November 10th
Lately a particular tomato field along Oil Well Road in Collier County, floods for a few weeks from late October till about mid-December. This temporary waterfowl oasis has produced excellent water fowl observations in the past and today is no exception. So today I tried out my new spotting scoping scope and found first-of-the-year sightings, for me, of American Avocets and Gadwalls.
Rosette Spoonbills |
Arriving about 9:30 in the morning, note that dawn or just before dusk are best times for viewing, I still managed to find lots of awesome birds. Such as Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Mottled Ducks, American Coots and a pair of American Wigeons. The fly-over Bald Eagles would put these flocks to flight every few minutes, thus rearranging the individuals I'm checking. As counted over eighty Rosette Spoonbills and just a couple of American White Pelicans. Others seen included both night-herons, Greater Yellowlegs Snipe, Common Gallinules, Red-shouldered Hawks, Red-tailed Hawk, Ospreys, Palm Warblers and a Prairie Warbler.
Gadwall hen |
A couple of years ago Vince Lucas introduced several of us to this location and since then we have also found Ruddy Duck, Green-winged Teal, a Cinnamon Teal, Wood Duck and Black-belled Whistling-ducks. So it would be worth a return visit before the field dries up.
Blue-winged Teal |
Snowy Egrets and Pied-billed Grebes |
Northern Shovelers |
American Avocets |