Monday, October 16, 2017

Storm Damaged

Monday October 16th

One of the fun things about birding are the seasonal trends.  Every month we can see a fluctuation in the diversity of our resident birds.  We have Spring Migration peaking in April and are looking for wintering waterfowl starting in November.  January is a good time to look for sparrows and in August we see the early start in Fall Migration, like Kites, Swallows, Shorebirds, Terns and Grass Peeps. Right now is the waning weeks of the neo tropical bird migration.

Swainson's Thrush see at Hickory Swamp Preserve,
In Lehigh Acres

But due to damage from Hurricane Irma last month, our best local Hotspot to look for these neo tropicals - Six Mile Cypress Slough  Preserve - is closed. A bit of a disappointment. But it is a minor concern when compared to the difficulties so many people having because of these storms.

Rotary Park in Cape Coral has been open and we're  seeing some migrants. A Canada Warbler has been seen there the last couple of days. We seen a few good birds at Hickory Swamp Preserve in Lehigh Acres too.

We still have other good venues to explore locally like our beache's and Harns Marsh.

Hopefully, Lee County will have Six Mile open soon.


Crested Caracara
Wilson's Plover on Ft Myers Beach

Marbled Godwit on Ft Myers Beach

Blue-winged Teal and Greater Yellowlegs
at Punta Gorda Airport Pond

Northern Shoveler seen
at Punta Gorda Airport Pond

At Punta Gorda Airport Pond

Great Egret
at Punta Gorda Airport Pond