Wednesday April 18th
Last weekend a cold front with strong head winds brought in a nice variety of migrating birds to Sanibel Lighthouse Beach Park. I personally visited the park on Monday morning for a few hours, along with a great many fellow birds, so playing hooky from work to enjoy this mini fallout.
Summer Tanager seen at Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve |
Meg Rousher put Dave & Tammy McQuaide as well as myself on a great bird - a calling
Black billed Cuckoo. Black billed cuckoos are very uncommon find in Florida.
I came close to adding swainsons warbler as there were several around today, but I just missing them as they relocated out of sight. I did miss a few other species. But I did get to see an Eastern Kingbird, Prothonotary Warblers, Tennessee Warblers, Yellow Warblers, a single Palm Warbler, Black throated Green Warblers, Summer Tanagers, a Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Bindings and a Baltimore Oriole. There were so many birders on hand that it sometimes got quite crowded.
I missed seeing this Western Tanager,
but Eary and Jennifer Warren didn't miss
taking this photo.
But I did miss a few species included another rare in Florida, western tanager, plus veery, swainson's thrush, dickcissels, those swainson's warblers, blue winged warblers, a lark sparrow, a Ceurlian warbler, Kentucky warbler, Merlin, Acadia flycatcher, gray songbirds, yellow throated videos, cliff swallows, worm eating warbler, golden winged warbler, hooded warbler, American redstart cape may warbler, blackburnian warblers, chestnut sided warbler, black throated blue warbler, scarlet tanager.
Black-throated Green Warbler seen at Bowditch Point Park |
A few Cedar Waxwings are still around |
In the following days I checked for migrants at Bowditch Beach Park on Estero Island and at Six mile Cypress Slough Preserve. I added
Red eyed Vireo, Veery, Yellow billed Cuckoo, Hooded Warbler and American Redstart.
A Summer Tanager seen at the Sanibel Lighthouse |