Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Saw Some Common Terns

Tuesday May 19th

Brown Pelican at the Big Carlos Pass Draw Bridge
Black Skimmer at Carlos Point
Headed out to the beach a couple of times this month, now that the government says its okay.  A couple of weeks ago headed over to Carlos Point on Fort Myers Beach to see about the seabird nesting colonies.

Had to of been at least two hundred Least Terns on hand. Too early for any hatchlings yet, but the adults were certainly acting territorial to anyone getting to close to the nesting area. Black Skimmers will start nesting here soon as well and about sixty were also resting on the beach.  Wilson's Plovers and Snowy Plovers nest here as well. Sometimes we'll have American Oystercatchers nest here, but I personally haven't seen any of them yet this year.  
Least Tern at Carlos Point colony
He's trying, but she doesn't seem impressed

Ruddy Turnstone

Common Tern seen at Carlos Point.  Note the Leg Irons. Can't make out the data though
Today I checked out Bunch Beach and Bowditch Point Preserve looking for interesting birds.  Arrived at Bunche at day break. Had a rising tide with strong winds pushing the water up the beach as well.  So, not too many birds. Had my first of the season Marbled Godwit, plus a few Willets and Dunlins in their breeding colors. Across the bay at Bowditch Point, I started with Magnificent Frigatebirds and Brown Pelicans soaring overhead. On the beach a large number of Sanderlings, Royal Terns, plus a few Sandwich Terns and a nice surprise 

Dunlin at Bunche Beach

Laughing Gull

in finding a trio of Common Terns resting on the beach.  A pair of nesting Wilson's Plovers were very obvious, as volunteers had marked off their location to try and keep folks from walking on them. 

Herring Gull at Bowditch Point

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Springtime and Access

Sunday May 3rd

Gray Kingbirds have returned 
to summer and nest in Florida
Our local and state governments are slowly re-opening access to public places in actions to try to return some normalcy.  Here in Southwest Florida access to beaches and preserves have severally restricted during the height of the Spring Migration.  Very frustrating to those of us who enjoying our birding hobbies. For awhile I had some interesting activity around the feeders and fruiting ficus in my yard. But the not the activity that our spring migration hot spots offer.

So just in the past few days access has been opening up.  Places like Rotary Park in Cape Coral and Pinecraft Park in Sarasota are offering some birding activity.

Summer Tanager at Rotary Park

Bay-breasted Warbler at Rotary Park
Female Blackpoll Warbler at Rotary Park