Wednesday October 7th
Sighted this Whimbrel at Siesta Key
Great Crested Flycatcher
So far Fall Migration, as we in beautiful SW Florida are experiencing it, has been a bit so. No great fall outs, but there recently has been some fun birding at Rotary Park in Cape Coral.
Swainsons Thrush
Veery |
Palm Warblers are just now showing up with American Redstarts being the most commonly encountered migrating warbler.
Ovenbirds, Yellow-throated Warblers, Black-and-White Warbles, Summer Tanagers and Swainsons Thrushes have been reliable. For me personally, I can add
Scarlet Tanagers, Red-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireos, Baltimore Orioles, Blackburnian, Black-throated Blue, Northern Waterthrush & Chestnut-sided Warblers, Eastern Wood-Pewees and Yellow-billed Cuckoo.
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Baltimore Oriole
Oh, and the
Gray Catbirds have shown up.