Friday December 2021
An active year with a lot of travel. Birders need to travel to seek out interesting birds in interesting places. Always on the watch for anything new or rare. My travels took from Biloxi, Mississippi all the south to the Dry Tortugas. Saw a few good birds and some lifers too. Went after interesting flora and fauna as well. Doing the all-naturalist thing.
A few of my lifers this year included
- Scaly-breasted Minia at Lucky Hammock
- Bahama Mockingbird at Spanish River Park
- Black Noddy at Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas
- Brown Creeper at Roche-A-Cri State Park in Wisconsin
- Yellow-green Vireo at Biscayne National Park
- Sabine's Gull in the Gulf of Mexico off Fort Myers Beach
Dipped on a few birds as well. Just missed the lapwing longspur that visited the Venice Airport for a few days. But there were many good finds too, like in the Keys with a Cuban Pewee, Antillean Nighthawk, Purple Sandpiper, American Flamingo, Brown Noddies and White-crowned Pigeons. Or on my trip to Mississippi to look for the rarest subspecies of Sandhill Crane - the Mississippi Sandhill Crane. Or to Wisconsin and Illinois for Whooping Cranes and Trumpeter Swans. St Marks NWR is aways a great stop with another American Flamingo, numerous species of wintering waterfowl. Lake Apopka and Merrit Island NWR were also great venues for waterfowl. Locally we a great looks at a Grove-billed Ani and an Ash-throated Flycatcher at Festival Park in Cape Coral, were Florida Scrub Jays and Burrowing Owls are found.
In 2022, I don't expect to get around as much as this year, but I'm still setting goals and making plans.
Zebra Longwing |
2021 Year List and Gallery (299)
1 Red-shouldered Hawk
A young, Red-shouldered Hawk Everglades National Park January 2021
2 Wood Stork |
Wood Stork Church Road, Felda, Florida January 2021 |
3 Mottled Duck |
Mottle duck Lakes Park, Fort Myers, Florida January 2021 |
4 Great Egret |
Great Egret Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve, Fort Myers, Florida January 2021 |
5 Snowy Egret |
Snowy Egret Fort Myers Beach - Florida January 2021 |
6 White Ibis |
White Ibis Myakka River State Park, Florida January 2021 |
7 Black Vulture |
Black Vultures Myakka River State Park, Florida January 2021 |
9 Black-bellied Plover |
Black-bellied Plover Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
10 Snowy Plover |
Northern Snowy Plover Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
11 Piping Plover |
Piping Plover Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida March 2021 |
Piping Plover Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 | 'This banded bird is nesting currently at Sleeping Bear Dune National Lakeshore. She has 4 eggs and we’re expecting them to hatch June 9th.' Received this report in May |
12 Ruddy Turnstone |
Ruddy Turnstone Carlos Point, Fort Myers Beach, Florida January 2021 |
13 Sanderling
Sanderling Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
14 Dunlin |
Dunlin Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida March 2021 |
15 Least Sandpiper |
Least Sandpiper Fort DeSoto Park, St Petersburg, Florida February 2021 |
16 Short-billed Dowitcher |
Short-billed Dowitcher Fort DeSoto Park, St Petersburg, Florida February 2021 |
Short-billed Dowitcher Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
17 Spotted Sandpiper |
Spotted Sandpiper Harry Harris Park, Tavernier, Florida January 2021 |
18 Laughing Gull
Laughing Gulls Fort DeSoto Park, St Petersburg, Florida February 2021 |
19 Ring-billed Gull |
Ring-billed Gull Parrish Beach Park, Merritt Island, Florida January 2021 |
22 Double-crested Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant Fort DeSoto Park, St Petersburg, Florida February 2021 |
23 American White Pelican |
American White Pelican Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
24 Brown Pelican |
Brown Pelican Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
25 Great Blue Heron |
Great Blue Heron Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
26 Little Blue Heron |
Little Blue Heron Harns Marsh. Lehigh Acres, Florida January 2021 |
27 Tricolored Heron |
Tricolored Heron Buckingham, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
28 Reddish Heron
Reddish Egret Fort DeSoto Park, St Petersburg, Florida February 2021 |
29 Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vultures Everglades National Park January 2021 |
30 Osprey
Osprey Pelican Blvd - Cape Coral, Florida February 2021 |
31 Pied-billed Grebe |
Pied-billed Grebe Babcock-Webb Wildlife Manage Area, Charlotte County, Florida January 2021 |
32 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
33 Cooper's Hawk
34 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker dining on Dahoon Holly berries Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve, Fort Myers, Florida January 2021 |
35 Loggerhead Shrike
Loggerhead Shrike Lakes Park, Fort Myers, Florida January 2021 |
38 Northern Mockingbird |
Northern Mockingbird Lakes Park, Fort Myers, Florida January 2021 |
39 Boat-tailed Grackle |
Female Boat-tailed Grackle Harns Marsh, Lehigh Acres, Florida January 2021 |
40 Palm Warbler |
Palm Warbler Rotary Par, Cape Coral, Florida October 2021 |
41 Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Yellow-rumped Warbler Pembroke Pines Florida January 2021 |
42 Anhinga |
Anhinga Lakes Park - Fort Myers, Florida February 2021 |
Anhinga Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Wellington, Florida February 2021 |
44 European Starling |
European Starling My Yard, Florida |
45 Red-bellied Woodpecker
47 Mourning Dove |
Mourning Dove Fort DeSoto Park, St Petersburg, Florida February 2021 |
49 American Kestrel |
American Kestrel Hendry County, Florida March 2021 |
50 Muscovy Duck |
Muscovy Duck Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
51 Cattle Egret |
Cattle Egret Harns Marsh, Leigh Acres, Florida January 2021 |
Cattle Egret riding on the back of a steer Hendry County, Florida February 2021 |
53 Blue-winged Teal |
Blue-winged Teal Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
55 American Crow |
American Crow Everglades National Park January 2021 |
56 Florida Sandhill Crane
Mississippi Sandhill Crane |
Mississippi Sandhill Crane - Rarest sub-species of Sandhill Crane Vancleave, Mississippi May 2021 |
Greater Sandhill Crane |
Greater Sandhill Crane Necedah NWR Wisconsin June 2021 |
57 Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-headed Woodpecker Alva, Florida February 2021 |
58 Tree Swallows
59 Common Gallinule
Common Gallinule aka Mud Hen Harns Marsh, Lehigh Acres, Florida January |
60 Gray-headed Swamphen |
Gray-headed Swamphen Harns Marsh - Lehigh Acres, Florida |
61 Downy Woodpecker |
Downy Woodpecker Rotary Park - Cape Coral, Florida November 2021 |
62 Gray Catbird |
Gray Catbird Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve - Lee County, Florida October 2021 |
Gray Catbird Lucky Hammock, Florida City, Florida January 2021 |
64 Eastern Phoebe |
Eastern Phoebe Festival Park, Cape Coral, Florida January 2021 |
65 Common Ground-dove |
Common Ground-dove Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
66 Eurasian Collared-dove
67 Common Myna |
Common Mynah Florida City, Florida |
68 House Sparrow |
House Sparrow Sem-Chi Rice Mill, Palm Beach County, Florida March 2021 |
69 Red-winged Blackbird |
Red-winged Blackbird Glades County, Florida March 2021 |
70 White-crowned Pigeon |
White-Crowned Pigeon Key West, Florida - May 2021 |
71 Magnificent Frigatebird |
Magnificent Frigatebird Dry Tortugas National Park - May 2021 |
72 Purple Sandpiper |
Purple Sandpiper Harry Harris Park, Tavernier, Florida January 2021 |
73 Cuban Pewee |
Cuban Pewee Blue Hole - National Key Deer Refuge, Big Pine Key, Florida January 2021 |
74 Great Crested Flycatcher |
Great Crested Flycatcher Blue Hole - National Key Deer Refuge, Big Pine Key, Florida January 2021 |
77 American Flamingo |
American Flamingo Sammy's Creek Landing, Sugarloaf Key, Florida January 2021 |
78 Broad-winged Hawk
79 Pileated Woodpecker |
Pileated Woodpecker Rotary Park - Cape Coral, Florida October 2021 |
Pileated Woodpecker Sanibel Lighthouse, Florida March 2021 |
80 Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal Harns Marsh, Lehigh Acres, Florida February 2021 |
81 Limpkin |
Limpkin Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
82 Glossy Ibis |
Glossy Ibis Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
84 Brown-crested Flycatcher
85 Brown Thrasher |
Brown Thrasher Lucky Hammock, Florida City, Florida January 2021 |
86 Scaly breasted Munia
89 Brown-headed Cowbird |
Brown-headed Cowbird My Yard February 2021 |
Brown-headed Cowbird Sem-Chi Rice Mill, Palm Beach County March 2021 |
90 Painted Bunting |
A female Painted Bunting at the visitor center bird feeders at the Merritt Island WMR January 2021
94 Wood Duck |
Wood Duck Six-Mile Cypress Slough Preserve - Ft Myers, Florida October 2021 |
95 Pine Warbler |
Pine Warbler Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve - Ft Myers November 2021 |
96 Common Yellowthroat
97 American Goldfinch
98 Tufted Titmouse |
Tufted Titmouse Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve, Fort Myers, Florida November 2021 |
99 Indigo Bunting |
Indigo Bunting Mayaca Locks, Okeechobee, Florida February 2021 |
100 Scissor-tailed flycatchers
101 Audubon's Crested Caracara |
Audubon's Crested Caracara Okeechobee, Florida February 2021 |
102 Black-crowned Night-heron |
Black-Crowned Night-Heron Six-Mile Cypress Slough Preserve - May 2021 |
104 Nanday Parakeet
105 Roseate Spoonbill |
Roseate Spoonbill Myakka River State Park, Florida January 2021 |
106 Black-and-White Warbler
Black-and White Warbler Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve, Lee County, Florida October 2021 |
108 House Wren |
House Wren Babcock-Webb WMA - Charlotte County, Florida March 2021 |
109 Northern Flicker
110 Red-cockaded Woodpecker
111 Killdeer
Killdeer Fort Myers Beach, Florida March 2021 |
114 Groove-billed Ani |
Grove-billed Ani Festival Park, Cape Coral, Florida January 2021
Grove-billed Ani Festival Park, Cape Coral, Florida January 2021 |
115 American Robin |
American Robin St Marks NWR, Florida January 2021 |
116 Black Skimmer |
Black Skimmer Fort Myers Beach, Florida February 2021 |
117 Forster's Tern |
Foster's Tern Port Mayaca Lock, Okeechobee County, Florida February 2021 |
118 Caspian Tern |
Caspian Tern Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
119 Lesser Yellowlegs |
Lesser Yellowlegs Ollies Pond, Port Charlotte, Florida |
Lesser Yellowlegs Ollies Pond, Port Charlotte, Florida |
120 Greater Yellowlegs |
Greater Yellowlegs Buckingham, Lee County, Florida January 2021
121 Long-billed Dowitcher
122 Black-necked Stilt |
Black-necked Stilt Myakka River State Park, Florida January 2021 |
123 Solitary Sandpiper |
Solitary Sandpiper Buckingham, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
124 Wilson's Snipe |
Wilson's Snipe Buckingham, Lee County, Florida January 2021 |
126 Green Heron |
Green Heron Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
127 Ruddy Duck |
Ruddy Duck Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
128 Lesser Scaup
129 Ring-necked Duck |
Ring-necked Duck Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
130 Green-winged Teal
131 Northern Shoveler |
Northern Shoveler Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
132 Fulvous Whistling Duck |
Fulvous Whistling-duck Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021 |
Fulvous Whistling-duck Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021
133 Black-bellied Whistling Duck |
Black-bellied Whistling-duck Lake Apopka, Florida January 2021
135 Western Sandpiper |
Western Sandpiper Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida March 2021 |
136 Hooded Merganser |
Juvenile Hooded Mergansers Adams County, Wisconsin June 2021 |
137 Redhead
Redhead St Marks NWR, Florida - January 2021 |
Redhead St Marks NWR, Florida - January 2021 |
Redhead St Marks NWR, Florida - January 2021 |
138 Burrowing Owl |
Burrowing Owl Festival Park, Cape Coral, Florida January 2021 |
139 Florida Scrub Jay |
Florida Scrub Jay Festival Park, Cape Coral, Florida January 2021 |
140 Hairy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker Babcock-Webb WMA, Charlotte County, Florida May 2021 |
141 Yellowthroat Warbler
143 Western Kingbird
Western Kingbird Church Road, Felda, Florida April 2021 |
144 Herring Gull |
Herring Gull Fort DeSoto Park, St Petersburg, Florida February 2021 |
145 Red-breasted Merganser |
Red-breasted Merganser Fort De Soto Park, Pinellas County, Florida January 2021 |
146 Bufflehead
Bufflehead at Sweetwater Wetlands Gainesville, Florida January 2021 |
147 Wilson's Plover |
Wilson's Plover Fort Myers Beach, Florida January 2021 |
148 Common Loon |
Common Loon Lovers Key State Park, Florida February 2021 |
149 Whimbrel
Whimbrel Fort De Soto Park, Pinellas County, Florida January 2021 |
151 Rusty Blackbird
152 Merlin
153 Sora
Sora St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
Sora STA-1W, Palm Beach County, Florida April 2021 |
154 Eastern Bluebird
155 Orange-crowned Warbler |
Orange-crowned Warbler Tallahassee, Florida January 2021 |
156 Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
157 Savannah Sparrow |
Savannah Sparrow Sweetwater Wetlands, Gainesville, Florida April 2021 |
158 Cedar Waxwing |
Cedar Waxwing Rotary Park, Cape Coral, Florida April 2021 |
Cedar Waxwing My Yard, Florida March 2021 |
159 Brown-headed Nuthatch |
Brown-headed Nuthatch Babcock-Webb WMA, Charlotte County, Florida April 2021 |
Brown-headed Nuthatch Babcock-Webb WMA, Charlotte County, Florida April 2021 |
160 Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
161 Carolina Chickadee |
Carolina Chickadee St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
162 Yellow-crowned Night-heron |
Yellow-crowned Night-heron Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida January 2021 |

163 Bonaparte's Gull |
Bonaparte's Gull St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
164 American Avocet |
Avocet Bunche Beach, Fort Myers, Florida March 2021 |
165 Clapper Rail
166 Common Goldeneye
167 Greater Scaup |
Greater Scaup St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
168 Canvasback
Canvasback St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
169 Northern Pintail
170 American Black Duck
171 Mallard
172 American Wigeon |
American Wigeon St Marks NWR - Wakulla County, Florida January 2021 |
173 Gadwall
174 Canada Goose |
Canada Goose Tallahassee, Florida January 2021 |
175 White-Crowned Sparrow |
White-crowned Sparrow Tallahassee, Florida January 2021 |
176 Chipping Sparrow
177 Snail Kite
178 Whooping Crane
179 Ash-throated Flycatcher
180 Blue-headed Vireo |
Blue-headed Vireo Rotary Park - cape coral, Florida November 2021 |
181 Cave Swallow
182 White-tailed Kite |
White-tailed Kite Lucky Hammock, Florida City January 2021 |
185 Swainson's Hawk
187 Lesser Black-backed Gull |
Lesser Black-backed Gull Fort Myers Beach, Florida February 2021 |
188 King Rail
189 Northern Rough-winged Swallow |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Port Mayaca Locks, Okeechobee, Florida February 2021 |
190 Red Knot |
Red Knot Bunche Beach. Lee County, Florida April 2021 |
192 Cinnamon Teal
193 Least Bittern
Least Bittern seen beside the boardwalk Lakes Park, Fort Myers, Florida 2021 |
194 Great Horned Owl
Great Horn Owlets about a week old Fort DeSoto Park, Pinellas County, Florida February 2021 |
195 Northern Gannet
197 American Oystercatcher
American Oystercatchers Fort DeSoto Park, Pinellas County, Florida February 2021
198 Black Scoter
Black Scoter Fort DeSoto Park, Pinellas County, Florida February 2021
199 Neotropic Cormorant
Neotropic Cormorant Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Delray Beach, Florida February 2021 |
201 Bachman's Sparrow
202 Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida March 2021 |
203 Iceland Gull
Iceland Gull Fort Myers Beach, Florida February 2021 |
204 House Finch
206 Black-throated Green Warbler
207 Eastern Screech-Owl |
Eastern Screech-Owl Sanibel Lighthouse, Florida March 2021 |
209 Blue Grosbeak
210 Shiny Cowbird |
Female Shiny Cowbird Sem-Chi Rice Mill, Palm Beach County, Florida March 2021 |
Male Shiny Cowbird Sem-Chi Rice Mill, Palm Beach County, Florida March 2021 |
211 Yellow-throated Vireo
213 Wood Thrush
214 Chuck-will's-Widow
215 Western Spindalis |
Western Spindalis Pelican Island NWR - Florida March 2021 |
216 Barn Swallow
217 Yellow-headed Blackbird |
Yellow-headed Blackbird At the Sem-Chi Rice Mill, Palm Beach County, Florida April 2021 |
218 Helmeted Guineafowl
219 Marsh Wren
220 Chimney Swift
222 Semipalmated Sandpiper |
Semipalmated Plover Bunche Beach, Lee County, Florida April 2021 |
223 Gray Kingbird |
Gray Kingbird Fort Myers Beach - September 2021 |
224 Orchard Oriole
225 Cape May Warbler |
First year Female Cape May Warbler Rotary Park, Cape Coral, Florida April 2021 |
226 Summer Tanager
227 Scarlet Tanager |
Scarlet Tanager Rotary Park, Cape Coral, Florida April 2021 |
228 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
229 Hooded Warbler |
Hooded Warbler Ft Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park May 2021 |
Hooded Warbler Pinecraft Park, Sarasota, Florida April 2021 |
230 Worm-eating Warbler |
Worm-eating Warbler Pinecraft Park, Sarasota, Florida April 2021
231 Prothonotary Warbler
232 Red-eyed Vireo
235 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
236 Bahama Mockingbird |
Bahama Mockingbird Spanish River Park, Boca Raton, Florida April 2021 |
237 Mangrove Cuckoo
238 Gray-cheeked Thrush
239 Magnolia Warbler
240 Bobolink
241 Bank Swallow
242 Black-whiskered Vireo
243 Blackpoll Warbler |
Female Blackpoll Warbler bathing at Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park |
244 Roseate Tern
245 Antillean Nighthawk
246 Audubon's Shearwater
247 Masked Booby
248 Veery
249 Eastern Kingbird |
Eastern Kingbird Babcock-Webb WMA, Charlotte County, Florida June 2021 |
250 Bridled Tern |
A pair of Bridal Terns at Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park |
251 Sooty Tern |
Sooty Terns at Nesting Colony at Dry Tortugas National Park |
252 Black Noddy
253 Brown Noddy |
Brown Noddies at Nesting Colony at Dry Tortugas National Park |
254 Common Hill Myna |
Common Hill Myna nesting at Nesting at Mathesson Hammock Park Coral Gables, Florida May 2021 |
Common Hill Myna nesting at Nesting at Mathesson Hammock Park Coral Gables, Florida May 2021 |
255 Red-masked Parakeet |
Red-masked Parakeet Nesting at Mathesson Hammock Park Coral Gables, Florida May 2021 |
256 Orange-winged Parrot |
Orange-wing Parrot Nesting at Mathesson Hammock Park Coral Gables, Florida May 2021 |
257 Egyptian Goose
258 White-rumped Sandpiper
259 Eastern Wood-Pewee |
Eastern Wood-Pewee Rotary Park, Cape Coral, Florida October, 2021 |
260 Black-capped Chickadee |
Black-capped Chickadee Roche-A-Cri State Park, Wisconsin June 2021 |
261 Field Sparrow
262 Brown Creeper
263 White-breasted Nuthatch
264 Brewer's Blackbird
266 Yellow Warbler
267 Baltimore Oriole
268 Cliff Swallow
269 Warbling Vireo
271 Virginia Rail
272 Yellow-green Vireo
273 Budgerigar
274 Pectoral Sandpiper |
Pectoral Sandpiper Everglades Ag Area, Palm Beach County August 2021 |
275 Stilt Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper Everglades Ag Area, Palm Beach County August 2021
276 Black Tern |
Black Tern Everglades Ag Area, Palm Beach County August 2021 |
277 Wilson's Phalarope |
Wilson's Phalarope Everglades Ag Area, Palm Beach County August 2021 |
278 Upland Sandpiper
279 Sharp-shinned Hawk
280 Ovenbird
281 Blackburnian Warbler
282 Chestnut-sided Warbler
283 Black-throated Blue Warbler |
Black-throated Blue Warbler Rotary Park - Cape Coral, Florida October 2021 |
284 Great Shearwater
285 Red-Necked Phalarope
286 Tennessee Warbler
287 Common Tern |
Large Congregation of Common Terns Gulf of Mexico off Fort Myers Beach, Florida October 9, 2021 |
Common Tern Bonita Beach, Florida November 2021 |
288 Sabine's Gull
289 Cory's Shearwater
290 Swainson's Thrush
291 Bay-breasted Warbler
292 Yellow-breasted Chat
293 American Bittern
294 Great Cormorant |
Great Cormorant Myakka River State Park, Sarasota, Florida November 2021 |
295 Snow Goose |
Snow Goose West Marsh Preserve - Lehigh Acres, Florida November 2021 |
296 Tropical Kingbird
Tropical Kingbird Belle Glade, Florida December 2021 |
297 Vermilion Flycatcher
Vermilion Flycatcher Belle Glade, Florida December 2021 |
298 Grasshopper Sparrow
299 Horned Grebe