Thursday March 24th
Red-cockaded Woodpecker seen on nest tree near to the nest hole, were, presumably, the female is seen |
Arrived a bit too late to find a calling chucks-will-widow, as the sun was brightening up the day already. But did find two different active
Red-cockaded Woodpecker nest sites. Took a little longer but singing
Backman's Sparrows were heard. And calling
Bobwhites, Meadowlarks and Eastern Towhees as well.
Purple Thistle with a sweet bee |
Limewater Brookweed |
Netted Pawpaw |
Purple Thistle, Leavenworth's Tickseed, Netted Pawpaw and Limewater Brookweed are in bloom. I like to check out the thistle for opportunities to photograph any butterflies feeding on the blossoms.
Corn Snake |
Best observation for the day was a
coyote. I haven't seen them here in quite a while. This guy looked pretty healthy and had a blackish tail. It won't let me get close enough for a photo. Lots of deer today too. Including dawns. The alligators were sunning themselves and a corn snake and a garter snake were spotted catching some sun too as they stretched out on the road.
Eastern Garter Snake |
American White Pelicans |
At the eastern end of Tuckers Grade, the impoundments are drying up. Here was a concentration of shorebirds including numerous Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitchers, plus a pair of Wilson's Snipes. What got your attention was the forty American White Pelicans resting at the site.
Greater Yellowlegs |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Great Blue Heron |
Pine Warbler |
Purple Gallinule |
Boat-tailed Grackle |