Saturday May 14th
Black Skimmers |
Spent a little time checking out the seabird nesting colony at Carlos Point on Fort Myers Beach today.
Parked at the Lovers Key State Park on Island as available parking at the south end of Fort Myers Beach doesn't exists. So, from Lovers Key I crossed Big Carlos Pass on the draw bridge which dumped me out onto Carlos Point on Fort Myers Beach. Hundreds of
Black Skimmers, Least Terns and Royal Terns have gathered at Carlos Point. The Least Tern Colony is already nesting. The Black Skimmers have gathered and will begin their own nesting colony activity soon. As for all the royal Terns, most will leave soon to nest up around the Big Bend area of Florida.
Snowy Plovers and Wilsons Plover are also nesting.
Least Tern |
Today, a few Laughing Gulls are around with numbers of Sanderlings and Ruddy Turnstones. A couple of Sandwich Terns and a young Herring Gull were also present. Looked around for any common terns or red knots but didn't find any today.
Ruddy Turnstone |
Least Terns |
Black Skimmers |
A young Herring Gull |
Black Skimmer |
Royal Tern |
A male sanderling sporting his breeding colors |
Royal Terns |