Thursday, June 1st
Made my monthly visit to Harns Marsh as a part of my Lee County Bird Patrol assignment. Even with some recent heavy rain, the water levels were still very low. The canals were almost dry. Won't be long till the rains of summer fill them up.
It was fun getting watch a trio of
river otters as they were fishing for their breakfast.
Had several Florida Sandhill Cranes including an adolescent colt. A female Snail Kite was hanging out near the start of the trail. As I was leaving researchers from the University of Florida were on hand to do a survey on the kites.
Other sightings included Little Blue Herons, Mottled Ducks, Black-crowned Night-heron, Gray-headed Swamphens, Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, Common Gallinules, Limpkins and Anhingas
Little Blue Heron |
Gray-headed Swamphen |
Black-crowned Night-heron |
Common Gallinule |
Anhinga |
Limpkin |
Snail Kite |
Snail Kite |