Thursday, March 8th
Western Kingbird |
My daughter, Katie and I headed to Hendry County to look for Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and Western Kingbirds before they moved migrated back westward.
Swallow-tailed Kites have returned to Florida and I have seen several carrying nesting materials. Today several were seen during our travels. Had three Crested Caracara today as well. Other raptors seen included Red-shouldered Hawks, Red-tailed Hawks, several American Kestrels, a couple of Northern Harriers and a Bald Eagle. Was hoping for a white-tailed kite but not seen today.
We did successed in locating four Western Kingbirds and a lone Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in the expected location along County Road 835 near Deer Fence Canal Road. Other interesting sightings included Wild Turkey and a farm pond with a concentration of at least forty-five Greater Yellowlegs, plus three Lesser Yellowlegs, three Long-billed Dowitchers and four Cattle Egrets.
Bronzed Cowbird in Clewiston |
Next headed up to Clewiston to look for bronzed cowbirds. At the boat ramp park we found lots of Laughing Gulls, Ring-billed Gulls, American Coots, DC Cormorants, Rock Pigeons, Grackles, Brownheaded Cowbirds and a pair of Bronzed Cowbirds.
A Common Myna found at Carnestown in Collier County the day before |
An Anhinga found at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary the day before |
Banded Watersnake at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary |
Long-billed Dowitchers seen at Myakka River State Park on Tuesday |
His Bronzed cowbird puffed-up for some reason |
Burrowing Owls recently seen in Cape Coral |
Florida Scrub-Jay seen in Festival Park in Cape Coral |
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