Thursday, April 14th
Several Magnificent Frigatebirds were seen resting on the riggings of moored shrimp boats |
Today, Dave and Tammy McQuade
were kind enough to invite me along on their first pelagic birding trip out on
the Gulf of Mexico for this year. Very little pelagic birding gets reported from
Southwest Florida , primarily because of low expectations
of finding any serious activity. However, Dave and Tammy have been running
off-shore pelagic birding trips with some very interesting results. In the past year they successfully found an unexpected Red-footed Booby, plus Audubon's Shearwater,
all three Storm-Petrels, Masked and Brown Boobies, Red-necked Phalaropes,
Sooty, Bridled and Rosette Terns, both Jaegers and migrating Neotropicals.
So today, our contingent
consisting of hosts Dave and Tammy, plus Dave and Alicia Lusk, Dave Alpier and
myself, set off at dawn from Punta Rassa, with high expectations. The weather was outstanding and
the seas were very calm, but the birds seemed to be missing. Dave piloted his
boat off-shore, visiting various wreck sites and was surprised at how empty of
birds the Gulf seemed to be. They had never dipped on Sooty and Bridled Terns
before. Even the communications tower off Marco
Island was devoid of any bird
activity. Not really sure why.
Bottlenose and Atlantic
Spotted Dolphins were entertaining as they would swim along the boat.
I'd like to again thank Dave and
Tammy for a most interesting day on the water.
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