Saturday September 29th
Whimbrel seen on Ft Myers Beach |
Spring Migration in our corner of Florida has been quite slow so far. The variety of species being observed is as expected, however, we are only experiencing very small samplings. No real big push has really passed through yet. My personal best for September was the Least Flycatcher at Hammock Swamp and the Acadian Flycatcher at Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve. Today I had my first look at a Summer Tanager for the Fall. But all of the local venues have been quite spotty so far.
This Fox Squirrel was keeping an eye on things |
My first-of-the-year Eastern Wood-Pewee |
Acadian Flycatcher seen at Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserved |
In August the expected shorebirds had arrived. Sandpipers, godwits, dowitchers, plovers and such But know by the end of September the neo-tropic birds have been very
Red Knot seen on Ft Myers Beach |
Piping Plover seen on Ft Myers Beach |
slow. There had been concerned about lost opportunities with the Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve boardwalk being closed for the first half of the month. But it turns out that this venue has been unexpecting so far, anyway.
The season will last through the middle of October and hopefully we will be able to enjoy more bird activity.