2018 has come to an end and a new year is on the calendar.
We measure the year with a calendar and we measure quantity by counting. And we use these two measurements to create our bird lists.
My annual list for 2018 came too 277 species, all seen in Florida. No travel outside of Florida this past year and had a big reduction in birding field trips in general.
In January I made my annual trip to Northern Florida and the Panhandle. Had some great observations and ran into Dave and Tammy McQuade up in Gainesville. We would bird together for the next couple of days. Got Lifers in Sprague's Pipit in Apalachicola and White-face Ibis at St Markers. Other good finds included a Ruff in Gainesville and Winter Wrens at Caverns State Park. A pair of Whooping Cranes in Lake Wales. Lots of great waterfowl sightings as well, such as the Snow Geese and Ross' Geese in Tallahassee.
Another highlight was the arrival of Upland Sandpipers making a stop over in Cape Coral in April.
2018 Bird List and Gallery
2 Mottled Duck
A Mottled x Mallard hybrid. True Mottled Ducks are becoming genetically affected by these hybridizations |
4 Hooded Merganser
5 Pied-billed Grebe
6 Wood Stork
7 Double-Crested Cormorant
8 Anhinga
9 Great Blue Heron
10 Great Egret
11 Snowy Egret
12 Little Blue Heron
13 Tricolored Heron
14 Cattle Egret
15 Black-Crowned Night-Heron
16 White Ibis
17 Glossy Ibis
18 Black Vulture
19 Turkey Vulture
20 Osprey
21 Bald Eagle
22 Red-Shouldered Hawk
23 Gray-Headed Swamphen
24 Common Gallinule
25 American Coot
26 Limpkin
27 Sandhill Crane
28 Killdeer
29 Greater Yellowlegs
30 Mourning Dove
31 Belted Kingfisher
32 Red-Bellied Woodpecker
33 Pileated Woodpecker
34 American Kestrel
35 Eastern Phoebe
36 Great Crested Flycatcher
37 Blue Jay
38 Fish Crow
39 House Wren
40 American Robin
41 Gray Catbird
42 Northern Mockingbird
43 Palm Warbler
44 Savannah Sparrow
45 Red-winged Blackbird
46 Common Grackle
47 Boat-tailed Grackle
48 White-Winged Dove
49 Northern Cardinal
50 Indigo Bunting
51 Painted Bunting
52 American Goldfinch
53 House Sparrow
54 Crested Caracara
55 Muscovy Duck
11 Snowy Egret
The Franklin Locks, Alva, Florida - Dec 2018 |
Sweetwater Wetlands, Gainesville, Florida - January 2018 |
12 Little Blue Heron
13 Tricolored Heron
14 Cattle Egret
15 Black-Crowned Night-Heron
16 White Ibis
17 Glossy Ibis
18 Black Vulture
19 Turkey Vulture
20 Osprey
21 Bald Eagle
22 Red-Shouldered Hawk
23 Gray-Headed Swamphen
24 Common Gallinule
Lake Apopka - May 2018 |
25 American Coot
26 Limpkin
27 Sandhill Crane
28 Killdeer
29 Greater Yellowlegs
30 Mourning Dove
31 Belted Kingfisher
32 Red-Bellied Woodpecker
33 Pileated Woodpecker
34 American Kestrel
35 Eastern Phoebe
36 Great Crested Flycatcher
37 Blue Jay
38 Fish Crow
39 House Wren
40 American Robin
41 Gray Catbird
42 Northern Mockingbird
43 Palm Warbler
44 Savannah Sparrow
45 Red-winged Blackbird
46 Common Grackle
47 Boat-tailed Grackle
48 White-Winged Dove
49 Northern Cardinal
50 Indigo Bunting
51 Painted Bunting
52 American Goldfinch
53 House Sparrow
54 Crested Caracara
55 Muscovy Duck
57 Northern Shoveler
58 Northern Harrier
61 Wilson's Snipe
68 Green Heron
69 Green-Winged Teal
70 Lesser Scaup
71 Red-Breasted Merganser
72 Willet
73 Lesser Yellowlegs
74 Ring-billed Gull
75 American Crow
76 Rock Pigeon
77 Short-tailed Hawk
69 Green-Winged Teal
70 Lesser Scaup
Seen at Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island |
71 Red-Breasted Merganser
A pair of Red Breasted Mergansers were seen diving for prey along the shoreline on Ft Myers Beach - 6 March 2018 |
72 Willet
73 Lesser Yellowlegs
74 Ring-billed Gull
75 American Crow
An American Crow seen at Everglades National Park |
76 Rock Pigeon
77 Short-tailed Hawk
78 Red-tailed Hawk
79 Common Yellowthroat
80 Brown Pelican
81 Laughing Gull
82 Royal Gull
83 Surf Scoter
84 Common Loon
85 Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron
86 Black-Bellied Plover
87 Wilson's Plover
Piping Plover seen in March at Bunche Beach Preserve |
88 Piping Plover
89 Sanderling
90 Ruddy Turnstone
91 Dunlin
92 Least Sandpiper
93 Western Sandpiper
94 Spotted Sandpiper
95 Herring Gull
96 European Starling
97 Black-Necked Stilt
98 American Avocet
99 Long-billed Dowitcher
100 Eastern Meadowlark
101 Greater Scaup
102 American Oystercatcher
103 Brown-headed Cowbird
Florida Scrub Jay seen at Oscar Scherer State Park |
104 Burrowing Owl
105 Florida Scrub Jay
Florida Scrub Jay seen in Lehigh Acres |
106 Monk Parakeet
107 Tufted Titmouse
106 Eastern Bluebird
109 Stilt Sandpiper
110 American Bittern
111 Carolina Chickadee
112 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
113 Chipping Sparrow
116 Ruddy Duck
This Cooper's Hawk landed on the boardwalk railing at Sweetwater Wetlands in Gainesville |
122 White-throated Sparrow
124 Snow Goose
125 Ross's Goose
Rare to Florida, Ross's Geese , in the company of Snow Geese, seen near Tallahassee |
134 Mallard
135 Northern Pintail
135 Northern Pintail
137 American White Pelican
138 Downy Woodpecker
139 White-eyed Vireo
140 Blue-headed Vireo
141 Brown-headed Nuthatch
142 Sedge Wren
143 Carolina Wren
145 White-faced Ibis
148 Sprague's Pipit
150 Hermit Thrush
151 Winter Wren
152 Golden-crowned Kinglet
154 Orange-crowned Warbler
157 Vermilion Flycatcher
158 Ash-throated Flycatcher
159 Reddish Egret
A radio monitored White-morphed Reddish Egret, a Bunche Beach resident, making a meal of a needle fish |
160 Semipalmated Plover
161 Merlin
162 White-crowned Sparrow
163 Northern Gannet
164 Glaucous Gull
165 Great Black-backed Gull
Greater Black-backed Gull seen on Ft Myers Beach |
166 Sandwich Tern
167 Whooping Crane
169 Yellow-throated Warbler
175 Snowy Plover
Snowy Plover seen on Ft Myers Beach |
177 Lesser Black-backed Gull
178 Black-throated Green Warbler
179 Baltimore Oriole
Lesser Black-backed Gull seen on Ft Myers Beach |
178 Black-throated Green Warbler
179 Baltimore Oriole
182 Northern Parula
185 White-winged Scoter
186 Saltmarsh Sparrow
187 Least Bittern
188 Northern Bobwhite
189 Grasshopper Sparrow
190 Scissor tailed Flycatcher
191 Swainson's Hawk
192 Broadwinged Hawk
193 Barn Owl
197 Magnificent Frigatebird
198 Brown Thrasher
199 Swallow-tailed Kite
200 Purple Martin
201 Bronzed Cowbird
202 Blue Grosbeak
203 Caspian Tern
204 Chucks-Will-Widow
205 Lincoln's Sparrow
206 Whip-poor-Will
207 Bonaparte's Gull
208 Northern Waterthrush
209 King Rail
210 Eastern Screech Owl
211 Barn Swallow
212 Louisiana Waterthrush
213 Yellow-breasted Chat
214 Ovenbird
215 Common Tern
216 Yellow-throated Vireo
217 Wild Turkey
218 Hooded Warbler
219 Gray Kingbird
220 Red-eyed Vireo
221 Solitary Sandpiper
222 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
223 Black-billed Cuckoo
224 Eastern Kingbird
225 Summer Tanager
226 Prothonotary Warbler
227 Tennessee Warbler
228 Yellow Warbler
229 Orchard Oriole
230 American Redstart
231 Veery
232 Upland Sandpiper
233 Rose-breasted Grosbeck
234 Scarlet Tanager
235 Wood Thrush
236 Swainson's Thrush
237 Least Tern
238 Common Nighthawk
239 Hairy Woodpecker
240 Blackpoll Warbler
241 Black-throated Blue Warbler
242 Bobolink
243 Semipalmated Sandpiper
244 House Crow
245 Cape May Warbler
246 Worm-eating Warbler
247 Chimney Swift
248 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
249 Magnolia Warbler
250 Black-capped Petrel
251 Wilson's Storm-Petrel
252 Audubon's Shearwater
253 Sooty Tern
254 Bridled Tern
255 Black Tern
256 Common Eider
257 Cliff Swallow
258 Bank Swallow
259 Pectoral Sandpiper
260 Egyptian Goose
261 Mangrove Cuckoo
263 Cave Swallow
264 Gull-billed Tern
264 House Finch
265 Whimbrel
266 Eastern Wood-Pewee
267 Least Flycatcher
268 Acadian Flycatcher
269 Bay-breasted Warbler
270 Chestnut-sided Warbler
271 Golden-winged Warbler
272 Lark Sparrow
273 Blackburnian Warbler
274 Marsh Wren
275 Gadwall
276 Black Scoter
277 Sharp-shinned Hawk
200 Purple Martin
201 Bronzed Cowbird
202 Blue Grosbeak
203 Caspian Tern
204 Chucks-Will-Widow
205 Lincoln's Sparrow
206 Whip-poor-Will
207 Bonaparte's Gull
208 Northern Waterthrush
209 King Rail
210 Eastern Screech Owl
211 Barn Swallow
212 Louisiana Waterthrush
213 Yellow-breasted Chat
214 Ovenbird
215 Common Tern
216 Yellow-throated Vireo
217 Wild Turkey
218 Hooded Warbler
219 Gray Kingbird
220 Red-eyed Vireo
221 Solitary Sandpiper
Seen at Six-mile Cypress Slough Preserve in April |
222 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
223 Black-billed Cuckoo
224 Eastern Kingbird
225 Summer Tanager
226 Prothonotary Warbler
227 Tennessee Warbler
228 Yellow Warbler
229 Orchard Oriole
230 American Redstart
231 Veery
232 Upland Sandpiper
233 Rose-breasted Grosbeck
234 Scarlet Tanager
235 Wood Thrush
236 Swainson's Thrush
237 Least Tern
238 Common Nighthawk
239 Hairy Woodpecker
240 Blackpoll Warbler
241 Black-throated Blue Warbler
242 Bobolink
243 Semipalmated Sandpiper
244 House Crow
245 Cape May Warbler
246 Worm-eating Warbler
247 Chimney Swift
248 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
249 Magnolia Warbler
250 Black-capped Petrel
251 Wilson's Storm-Petrel
252 Audubon's Shearwater
253 Sooty Tern
254 Bridled Tern
255 Black Tern
256 Common Eider
257 Cliff Swallow
258 Bank Swallow
259 Pectoral Sandpiper
260 Egyptian Goose
261 Mangrove Cuckoo
263 Cave Swallow
264 Gull-billed Tern
264 House Finch
265 Whimbrel
266 Eastern Wood-Pewee
267 Least Flycatcher
268 Acadian Flycatcher
269 Bay-breasted Warbler
270 Chestnut-sided Warbler
271 Golden-winged Warbler
272 Lark Sparrow
273 Blackburnian Warbler
274 Marsh Wren
275 Gadwall
276 Black Scoter
277 Sharp-shinned Hawk
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