Friday, June 14, 2019

Harns Marsh

Friday, June 14th

Swallow-tailed Kites

Birded the south end of Harns Marsh this morning with idea of possibly finding wood duck. Recent rains have raised the water levels, filling the canals. Tilapia, cichlids and gar fish could be seen near the surface. Lots of butterflies and dragonflies including Gulf fritillary, White Peacock, Scarlet Skimmers, Blue Darners and Four-spotted Dragonflies

Swallow-tailed Kite

What caught my attention were number of Swallow-tailed Kites roosting tree top across the big lake. Counted ten, but could have been more. I'm assuming that they are already staging in preparing of their migration across the Gulf of Mexico in about a month.

Didn't locate any wood ducks or snail kites, Mostly had Black Vultures, singing Northern Parulas and Carolina Wrens. Plus Red-shouldered Hawks, Common Gallinules, a few wading birds and a sleepy Yellow-crowned Night-heron.

Little Blue Heron

Red-shouldered Hawk

Common Gallinule

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Scarlet Skimmer

Yellow-crowned Night-heron

Great Blue Skimmer