Thursday, January 30, 2025

Chinsegut Wildlife and Environmental Area

 Wednesday January 29th

Scott's Oriole feeding on some jelly

I was unfamiliar with the Chinsegut Wildlife and Environmental Area near Lake Linsey in Hernando County. But a rare to Florida avian visitor is wintering here. It's a Scott's Oriole. A western species and is way outside of the species normal range and a Lifer for me.

Chipping Sparrow

 This conservation area is managed by Florida Fish and Wildlife and has an outstanding bird feeding station at the nature center featuring water features and several feeding offerings including a feeder offering jelly.  Orioles and other species enjoy fruits and jellies and that is where anyone wanting to experience this rarity must wait. The Scott's Oriole was making very short visits to the feeder and my not return for as long as an hour. 

A Pine Siskin bathing with a House Finch

While waiting a nice variety birds came in and offered some nice photography opportunities

Carolina Chickadee

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow Palm Warbler

American Goldfinches

Pine Warbler

Red-bellied Woodpecker

House Wren

House Finch

Red-winged Blackbird

Pine Warbler

Grey Catbird

Sandhill Crane

Tufted Titmouse

Northern Cardinal

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